Open app links with prompt
Whenever you tap a link in other browsers that are supported by a native app, that will usually present a prompt asking the user if they want to open the link with application or browsers.
If I try the same thing in Firefox, the page will first be loaded in Firefox then I will have to tap the android icon in the URL bar to be redirected to my app of choice.
Is there any way to present a prompt and open it?
Also if I tap the android icon in the URL bar, it opens the application on the Firefox browser instead of opening it outside.
Whenever you tap a link in other browsers that are supported by a native app, that will usually present a prompt asking the user if they want to open the link with application or browsers.
If I try the same thing in Firefox, the page will first be loaded in Firefox then I will have to tap the android icon in the URL bar to be redirected to my app of choice.
Is there any way to present a prompt and open it?
Also if I tap the android icon in the URL bar, it opens the application on the Firefox browser instead of opening it outside.