How to get the information in my bank card to be stored by Mozilla?
Dear Sir/Madame. I have tried to figure out how to get Mozilla (Firefox) to store my bank card details so I do not need to fill it in over and over again. The information I find on Internet is either from 2020 or do not work. Do you have any solutions to suggest me?
kind regards Henry
All Replies (3)
Note: The credit card autofill feature is available to users in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S. See if this helps. --> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/credit-card-autofill What version of Firefox? What OS?
Thanks for the article. I actually found it yesterday after I sent my question. When I follow the instruction: "Click the checkbox next to Save and fill payment methods to turn it on, or uncheck the box to turn it off. " I can not find "Save and fill payment" on the site. I have seached and searched. I do not know if there is any particular difference since my text on the computer is in Swedish but I consider myself able to understand the instructions and convert it into Swedish, and nowhere is a "Save and fill payment" under Privacy and Security. What to do?
Firefox 130.0 (64-bitars) OS: Is the attached photo of any help?