I want to save annotated PDFs right away
I open PDF from my files system or an app (Zotero f.e.). I make annotations since the annotation tools in Firefox are nice. Just a few highlights, maybe comment, underlines, whatever. I want to save the file and quit Firefox.
BUT - Firefox doesn't automatically save the opened file but rather wants me to "save as" a new file to be downloaded and chosen to be saved somewhere specificaly. I cannot just "save", I have to "save as" like I would download or create a new file.
I don't want to create new downloaded file to save somewhere else. I want to save annotations and such changes directly to the original file so I can just hop in and out of the file when I want to continue reading or edit annotations f.e..
MS Edge let's you save the changes to the file right to the original file so you can just hit "save" (ctrl+s) and close the window.
Hopefuly my question for clarification is somewhat understandable.
Thank you for your time