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userChrome.css not working after updating to Firefox 117

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whate… (read more)

I am using some custom SVG icons for my bookmark folders. I had my userChrome.css setup to set the icons based on the folder names, as well as color the icons with whatever the theme color was. This userChrome.css file worked fine in Firefox 116, but no longer works in 117. Now a couple of the icons are invisible, and the rest of them are black instead of the expected purple color from my theme. Can anyone help?


 -moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity, stroke !important;
 stroke: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill) !important;


.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Finance"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='18' height='18' viewBox='0 0 48 48' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M4 13H44V37H4V13Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M4 21C8.41828 21 12 17.4183 12 13H4V21Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M4 29C8.41828 29 12 32.5817 12 37H4V29Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M44 29V37H36C36 32.5817 39.5817 29 44 29Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M44 21C39.5817 21 36 17.4183 36 13H44V21Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3Cpath d='M24 31C26.7614 31 29 28.3137 29 25C29 21.6863 26.7614 19 24 19C21.2386 19 19 21.6863 19 25C19 28.3137 21.2386 31 24 31Z' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-width='4' stroke-linejoin='round'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Health"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M7.5 13.5l-.354.354a.5.5 0 00.708 0L7.5 13.5zM1.536 7.536l-.354.353.354-.353zm5-5l-.354.353.354-.353zM7.5 3.5l-.354.354a.5.5 0 00.708 0L7.5 3.5zm.964-.964l-.353-.354.353.354zm-.61 10.61L1.889 7.182l-.707.707 5.964 5.965.708-.708zm5.257-5.964l-5.965 5.964.708.708 5.964-5.965-.707-.707zM6.182 2.889l.964.965.708-.708-.965-.964-.707.707zm1.672.965l.964-.965-.707-.707-.965.964.708.708zM10.964 1c-1.07 0-2.096.425-2.853 1.182l.707.707A3.037 3.037 0 0110.964 2V1zM14 5.036c0 .805-.32 1.577-.89 2.146l.708.707A4.036 4.036 0 0015 5.036h-1zm1 0A4.036 4.036 0 0010.964 1v1A3.036 3.036 0 0114 5.036h1zM4.036 2c.805 0 1.577.32 2.146.89l.707-.708A4.036 4.036 0 004.036 1v1zM1 5.036A3.036 3.036 0 014.036 2V1A4.036 4.036 0 000 5.036h1zm.89 2.146A3.035 3.035 0 011 5.036H0c0 1.07.425 2.096 1.182 2.853l.707-.707z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Homelab"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M7.5.5l.325-.38a.5.5 0 00-.65 0L7.5.5zm-7 6l-.325-.38L0 6.27v.23h.5zm5 8v.5a.5.5 0 00.5-.5h-.5zm4 0H9a.5.5 0 00.5.5v-.5zm5-8h.5v-.23l-.175-.15-.325.38zM1.5 15h4v-1h-4v1zm13.325-8.88l-7-6-.65.76 7 6 .65-.76zm-7.65-6l-7 6 .65.76 7-6-.65-.76zM6 14.5v-3H5v3h1zm3-3v3h1v-3H9zm.5 3.5h4v-1h-4v1zm5.5-1.5v-7h-1v7h1zm-15-7v7h1v-7H0zM7.5 10A1.5 1.5 0 019 11.5h1A2.5 2.5 0 007.5 9v1zm0-1A2.5 2.5 0 005 11.5h1A1.5 1.5 0 017.5 10V9zm6 6a1.5 1.5 0 001.5-1.5h-1a.5.5 0 01-.5.5v1zm-12-1a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5H0A1.5 1.5 0 001.5 15v-1z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Privacy"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='' width='16' height='16'%3E%3Cpath d='M12.587 3.513a6.03 6.03 0 01.818 3.745v.75c0 .788.205 1.563.595 2.247M4.483 6.508c0-.795.313-1.557.871-2.119a2.963 2.963 0 012.103-.877c.789 0 1.545.315 2.103.877.558.562.871 1.324.871 2.12v.748c0 1.621.522 3.198 1.487 4.495m-4.46-5.244v1.498A10.542 10.542 0 009.315 14M4.483 9.505A13.559 13.559 0 005.821 14m-3.643-1.498a16.63 16.63 0 01-.669-5.244V6.51a6.028 6.028 0 01.79-3.002 5.97 5.97 0 012.177-2.2 5.914 5.914 0 015.955-.004' stroke='context-stroke' stroke-linecap='square' stroke-linejoin='round'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Gaming"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='' width='18' height='18'%3E%3Cpath d='M9.817 11.133l-.447.224.447-.224zM9.5 10.5l.447-.224A.5.5 0 009.5 10v.5zm-4 0V10a.5.5 0 00-.447.276l.447.224zm8.5-5v4.528h1V5.5h-1zm-3.736 5.41l-.317-.634-.894.448.316.633.895-.447zM9.5 10h-4v1h4v-1zm-4.447.276l-.317.634.894.447.317-.633-.894-.448zM1 10.028V5.5H0v4.528h1zM3.5 3h8V2h-8v1zm-.528 9A1.972 1.972 0 011 10.028H0A2.972 2.972 0 002.972 13v-1zm9.056 0c-.747 0-1.43-.422-1.764-1.09l-.894.447A2.972 2.972 0 0012.027 13v-1zM14 10.028A1.972 1.972 0 0112.028 12v1A2.972 2.972 0 0015 10.028h-1zm-9.264.882A1.972 1.972 0 012.972 12v1a2.972 2.972 0 002.658-1.643l-.894-.447zM15 5.5A3.5 3.5 0 0011.5 2v1A2.5 2.5 0 0114 5.5h1zm-14 0A2.5 2.5 0 013.5 3V2A3.5 3.5 0 000 5.5h1zM3 7h3V6H3v1zm1-2v3h1V5H4zm7 1h1V5h-1v1zM9 8h1V7H9v1z' fill='context-fill'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

.bookmark-item[container="true"] [label="Firefox"] { list-style-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='16' height='16' viewBox='0 0 1000 1000' xml:space='preserve' fill='context-fill' fill-opacity='context-fill-opacity' %3E%3Cpath d='M503.8,975c-103.2,0-195.2-27.4-275.9-82.3C147.1,837.8,87,765.2,47.6,674.7C26.5,627,14.3,572.1,11,510.1s1.5-122.6,14.2-181.8s33-116.1,60.7-170.6c27.7-54.5,60.3-98.7,97.9-132.6l-6,153.7c4-5.1,16.4-7.9,37.2-8.5c20.8-0.5,33.5,2.3,38.3,8.5c15.3-29.5,44.6-54.7,87.8-75.5c43.2-20.8,86-31.5,128.2-32.3c-19.7,16.4-41.5,43.5-65.4,81.2c-23.9,37.7-34.5,67.5-32,89.4c9.1,2.9,20.5,5.4,34.2,7.4c13.7,2,25.2,3.4,34.5,4.1c9.3,0.7,21.7,1.5,37.2,2.2c15.5,0.7,24.7,1.3,27.6,1.6c5.5,1.8,7.2,10.1,5.2,24.9c-2,14.8-7.6,28.5-16.7,41.3c-1.8,2.6-4.8,5.9-9,10.1c-4.2,4.2-14.5,10.7-30.9,19.4c-16.4,8.8-34.8,14.9-55.2,18.6l8.2,103.4l-76-36.6c-6.6,15.7-7.9,30.5-4.1,44.6c3.8,14,10.4,26.2,19.7,36.4c9.3,10.2,21.2,17.8,35.8,22.7s29.4,6.1,44.3,3.6c18.6-3.3,36.5-9.6,53.6-18.9c17.1-9.3,32.4-17.5,45.7-24.6c13.3-7.1,26.7-10.3,40.2-9.6c22.2,1.5,38.6,7.5,48.9,18c10.4,10.6,13.9,22.4,10.7,35.5c-0.4,0.7-0.8,1.7-1.4,3c-0.5,1.3-2.1,3.6-4.6,6.8c-2.6,3.3-5.8,6.1-9.8,8.5c-4,2.4-9.8,4.3-17.2,5.7c-7.5,1.5-16,1.6-25.4,0.5c-21.9,34.6-48.2,59.3-79,74.1c-30.8,14.8-69,20.1-114.6,16.1c27,22.2,56.6,37.3,88.9,45.1c32.3,7.8,63,8.9,92.2,3.3c29.2-5.7,57.3-15.1,84.5-28.4c27.2-13.3,50.5-29.3,70-47.9c19.5-18.6,34.2-37.6,44-56.9c15.7-33.2,22.8-68.3,21.3-105.3c-1.5-37-8.3-71.4-20.5-103.1c-12.2-31.7-26.5-54.5-42.9-68.4c31.7,13.9,56.7,28.3,74.9,43.5c18.2,15.1,32.3,35.6,42.1,61.5c5.5-62-5-124.5-31.4-187.6C770.2,153.4,732,101.6,682,61.1c96.6,28.1,171.7,79,225.3,152.9s81.1,168.2,82.6,283c0.7,46.3-6.7,92.8-22.1,139.5s-38,90.1-67.5,130.2c-29.5,40.1-64,75.8-103.4,107.2c-39.4,31.4-84.5,56.1-135.4,74.1C610.7,966,558.1,975,503.8,975L503.8,975z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") !important; }

Asked by xnl69 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago

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Shopify not working

I am trying to set up a Shopify page. It was working fine until today. The page is now redirecting me to the sign in page every time I attempt an action. Shopify support … (read more)

I am trying to set up a Shopify page. It was working fine until today. The page is now redirecting me to the sign in page every time I attempt an action. Shopify support says that they were able to perform these actions on my account from their end. Also, I was able to complete the tasks from Microsoft Edge. Any suggestions.

Asked by mikeegan2000 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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YouTube not streaming after last update. Fixed

I tried every solution posted and then I uninstalled and then wiped Firefox. Nothing helped. It seemed the picture would not sync or just freeze with the sound still play… (read more)

I tried every solution posted and then I uninstalled and then wiped Firefox. Nothing helped. It seemed the picture would not sync or just freeze with the sound still playing. I came across an old post to change media.mediasource.enabled. Mine was already set on true. When I changed it to false it solved the problem.

Asked by robinbrownlondon 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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is it possible to show taskbar "tabs" for open windows in windows 11

In windows 10, I got used to opening a new window in FF and then a "tab" for the new window would open in the taskbar. I could then switch between windows by clicking on … (read more)

In windows 10, I got used to opening a new window in FF and then a "tab" for the new window would open in the taskbar. I could then switch between windows by clicking on these tabs on the taskbar. In windows 11, I can click on the FF icon in the taskbar and open a new window, but a tab for that new window no longer appears on the taskbar. Instead of the previous tabs on the taskbar for each new/open window, there is nothing. I have tried the suggestion, found in another thread, to use about:config to change to false the setting browser.taskbar.previews.enable, but there was no difference. Does someone know another approach, or is this a windows 11 "feature"?

Asked by lrh1099 1 year ago

Answered by t.r.ernst 1 year ago

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有道筆 YouTuber,有道 YouTube

上載到《有道》Youtube的影片,播放時間有長有短,所以不能以偏蓋全稱作「短片」,而近期眾所注意的,是國內有大伙「有道筆」YouTuber,上載些藝人娛圈的小道消息,但這些影片內容和影片名稱無有關係,又或是消息故事根本無中生有。 比如我看過一齣名為「又一藝人逝世,李司棋病逝,七十餘歲被病魔折磨,最終痛苦離開,生前好友曾江謝賢甚感可惜」,… (read more)

上載到《有道》Youtube的影片,播放時間有長有短,所以不能以偏蓋全稱作「短片」,而近期眾所注意的,是國內有大伙「有道筆」YouTuber,上載些藝人娛圈的小道消息,但這些影片內容和影片名稱無有關係,又或是消息故事根本無中生有。 比如我看過一齣名為「又一藝人逝世,李司棋病逝,七十餘歲被病魔折磨,最終痛苦離開,生前好友曾江謝賢甚感可惜」,但影片其實是追憶包惜弱或者鯉魚精當年風采,對當下七秩的大梅姐老態有感而發,慶幸大梅姐不只口吞棉花去恤髮,還有自己乳名叫作蓉蓉,去做馬姐,一做做到七十歲,連六合彩頭獎也不要,只要豬咁蠢,還要人間蠢到趁得春色好好團圓。 當年今日,神采依然,禁得住星塵不許重播,卻禁不住火姐的俏皮活潑去追星,不止追the senior, 還有手執樂悠咭版八達通去追Ian of Mirror。話説回來,都懶理電腦計算口述轉成字幕連話本起題的聲影合成程式造成影片名稱內容兩不符,只望卡拉屋企的三叔公,在溫哥華飲過新婿茶後,回港事事順心,身體健康,有空可與金國王爺到元朗上茶樓,等我也能追星兼且朝見金國完顏伉儷尊容,那就不用對著電子屏幕看那些影片了。

Asked by Hiu Fung Jack NG 1 year ago

Answered by Hiu Fung Jack NG 1 year ago

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Youtube video freezing almost all the time.

Not sure when it started but nearly every attempt to play Youtube videos results in the video freezing after about 1/2 second while audio continues, then the video jumps … (read more)

Not sure when it started but nearly every attempt to play Youtube videos results in the video freezing after about 1/2 second while audio continues, then the video jumps forward randomly before freezing again. Have reloaded, restarted, cleared history, cookies, etc, and nothing helps. Mean time Chrome plays the videos flawlessly. This is a recent problem with FF and needs fixing badly as it will just not go away.

Asked by dbissett 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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Problem with showing PDF from local disk

I have a problem with PDF showing. If I take PDF generated by the lilypond and I open it from link like… (read more)

I have a problem with PDF showing.

If I take PDF generated by the lilypond and I open it from link like, PDF looks well. If I open same PDF from disk by using link like file:///tmp/bug.pdf , PDF looks different (wrong). Some ledger lines missing.

I am running firefox 117.0 (64 bit) for Arch linux.

Asked by 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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web page freeze when using search function

When hit enter key to search with google or some other website that tab just freeze for few second, can't click on anything on that website after that it back to normal l… (read more)

When hit enter key to search with google or some other website that tab just freeze for few second, can't click on anything on that website after that it back to normal like how it work without the freeze

I already try everything i could like disable Firefox Accessibility Service, troubleshooting.

Asked by flus 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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Hello. I have the most recent update for Android Firefox. Suddenly I can not watch videos because it says my JavaScript is off. I have not done anything to change any … (read more)

Hello. I have the most recent update for Android Firefox. Suddenly I can not watch videos because it says my JavaScript is off. I have not done anything to change any settings. And I am unable to get into "About:Config" to change anything. The version of Android Firefox is 117.0. I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Steven Nickerson [email address]

Asked by Nicolas 1 year ago

Answered by Nicolas 1 year ago

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quit feature not shown on Firefox android

Good morning. I use Firefox in my pc as well as my cell phone. The android version had a quit feature at the bottom to close and exit the browser but it is not showing af… (read more)

Good morning. I use Firefox in my pc as well as my cell phone. The android version had a quit feature at the bottom to close and exit the browser but it is not showing after updates. Where can I find it?


Asked by Andres Fernandez 1 year ago

Answered by TyDraniu 1 year ago

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bookmark tagging

When a bookmark is made, there is no option anywhere to add tags using windows 11 - I had no problem with tagging bookmarks using Firefox in windows 10, but that option i… (read more)

When a bookmark is made, there is no option anywhere to add tags using windows 11 - I had no problem with tagging bookmarks using Firefox in windows 10, but that option is not showing up for me in windows 11. I have refreshed Firefox with no success to try to correct this situation - thanks in advance for any help you may provide – del

Asked by del 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago

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Manage exceptions list is empty, and Allow button does not add a site

On a late model Dell laptop, there are no domains listed under Exceptions-Cookies and Site Data. When I key in a domain (whether using www., http, https, or just the doma… (read more)

On a late model Dell laptop, there are no domains listed under Exceptions-Cookies and Site Data. When I key in a domain (whether using www., http, https, or just the domain name by itself.) and click on Allow, that website is not added. It's the same as if browser security is stuck on Remove All Websites. With the same Privacy and Security settings on my desktop, I do not have this problem, so it appears not to be a matter of altering particular settings. Short of removing and reloading Firefox on the laptop, which might work but not teach anybody anything, are there suggestions?

Asked by Quenchoo 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago

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Firefox lagging on searches/search bar

Everything was working fine on Firefox up until a couple weeks ago when my searches started lagging. What happens is - if I type a search into the main URL/search bar o… (read more)

Everything was working fine on Firefox up until a couple weeks ago when my searches started lagging.

What happens is - if I type a search into the main URL/search bar on the browser, it loads just fine. But if I type a 2nd search into a website search bar, such as on, there is about a 12 second delay between me hitting enter and the page actually starting to load. The page freezes during this time and is unable to be interacted with. This issue does not happen in any other browsers outside of Firefox.

Things I've tried so far: Troubleshoot mode/safe mode, clearing cookies and cache, uninstalling and re-installing Firefox

Nothing has helped... wondering if this was caused by an update?

Asked by Jude 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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what's the secret to Mozilla search bar?

I search for "desktop" and it returns "Web pages" "page" along with desktop. None of the 81 results answer the query, "what is the desktop site?" in settings. Why? Why r… (read more)

I search for "desktop" and it returns "Web pages" "page" along with desktop. None of the 81 results answer the query, "what is the desktop site?" in settings. Why? Why return random words? Why don't Boolean operators work? Please tell me the trick to searching, it's becoming a daily routine.

Asked by andy 1 year ago

Answered by andy 1 year ago

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Whole desktop goes black screen sometimes starting videos

Hello! I have used Firefox on and off so I don't have a time frame of when this would have started exactly, but I have had some random completely black screens on both of… (read more)

Hello! I have used Firefox on and off so I don't have a time frame of when this would have started exactly, but I have had some random completely black screens on both of my monitors dating back to at least 2-3 weeks ago that can only be fixed by powering down the entire PC. I've reinstalled my (NVIDIA) GPU drivers, rearranged display-port cables and just about anything before finally finding a fix, switching to edge. So far I've gone a week without black screening when with Firefox I'd get around 4 give or take a week (some days getting to 3 alone). I don't know what could cause it but I have noticed it only happens when first starting a video. Mostly YouTube but other video sites seem to have also caused it occasionally, I would just like to know what could be causing this, as I do prefer Firefox vastly and would like to switch back as soon as I can.

Will provide anything else as necessary!

Asked by Fiaking 1 year ago

Answered by zeroknight 1 year ago

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Can't access local device through Firefox

I'm trying to connect to my Schneider XWPro Gateway for access to my solar inverter, and security policy on Firefox no longer't allows access. I can access using Safari b… (read more)

I'm trying to connect to my Schneider XWPro Gateway for access to my solar inverter, and security policy on Firefox no longer't allows access. I can access using Safari by explicitly allowing access. Error from Firefox is as follows:

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing cert, but that is not the same cert.


   The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
   Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem

Your error message states there is a problem with a certificate conflict, however there is no apparent way to tell which certificate is causing the conflict, so there is nothing I can do about it. This is a new problem, I have been able to access this device in the past.

Any suggestions?

Asked by ppanish 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago

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Ctrl+Shift+B to open Library in 117

I like Ctrl+Shift+B to open the Library (Manage Bookmarks/Show All Bookmarks). For maybe two years I was using this, but it stopped working in 117:… (read more)

I like Ctrl+Shift+B to open the Library (Manage Bookmarks/Show All Bookmarks). For maybe two years I was using this, but it stopped working in 117:

Dorando keyconfig isn't current. Shortkeys won't even install and probably won't do what I want anyway. AutoHotkey will do it, but I'd rather not use it for this.

Does anyone know how I can get a config.js to open the Library when I hit Ctrl+Shift+B?

Asked by rUUk 1 year ago

Answered by rUUk 1 year ago

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All tabs auto-refreshing as of two days ago, no settings change on my end.

I use Firefox on two computers, synced. Both computers are experiencing this issue. My browser will, at seemingly random intervals, refresh all tabs, which causes me ofte… (read more)

I use Firefox on two computers, synced. Both computers are experiencing this issue. My browser will, at seemingly random intervals, refresh all tabs, which causes me often to lose my work on whatever I was doing. I have gone to about:config and turned off the auto-refresh preference, but the problem still persists. Please help, I don't want to switch to another browser but I will if this problem persists as it is QUITE frustrating.

Asked by thackerb6 1 year ago

Answered by cor-el 1 year ago