Fix mobile slowness, crashing, error messages and other problems

Toś ten nastawk wěcej se njewótwardujo, jogo wopśimjeśe by mógło pótakem zestarjony byś.

These articles will help you fix common issues with Firefox for mobile.

Known issues

See the Release Notes for information about known issues in the latest release of Firefox mobile for Android.

Customize features

See Get Android add-ons, customize controls, options and preferences for information about how to extend the features of Firefox for mobile.


Slědujuce wjelicne luźe su pomogli, toś ten nastawk pisaś:

Illustration of hands


Rosćo a źělśo swóju kompetencu z drugimi. Wótegrońśo na pšašanja a pólěpšćo našu wědowu datowu banku.

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