Access violation if second instance of firefox is opened with specified url
I already have an instance of firefox running and start a new instance from command line using for example the command "firefox.exe www.google.com". After that the second instance is started and the website is shown, but after a few seconds the Windows 7 Application Crash Dialog is shown. Closing the dialog surprisingly doesn't close the application window, which is usable without further problems.
Information from the Application Crash Dialog:
Problemereignisname: BEX Anwendungsname: firefox.exe Anwendungsversion: Anwendungszeitstempel: 4e83b93a Fehlermodulname: xul.dll_unloaded Fehlermodulversion: Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4e83b840 Ausnahmeoffset: 60b2fae0 Ausnahmecode: c0000005 Ausnahmedaten: 00000008 Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Gebietsschema-ID: 1031 Zusatzinformation 1: 0a9e Zusatzinformation 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Zusatzinformation 3: 0a9e Zusatzinformation 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
If I start the second instance from windbg.exe (this crashes only if an url is specified) gives:
(103c.2ddc): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. 60b2fae0 ?? ??? 0:000:x86> |* ~* kp . 0 Id: 103c.2ddc Suspend: 1 Teb: fffdb000 Unfrozen ChildEBP RetAddr WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong. 0040f86c 754b2288 0x60b2fae0 0040f8a8 7707490c KERNELBASE!LoadLibraryExW+0x1f1 0040f8bc 68d18892 kernel32!LoadLibraryW+0x11 0040f8d0 68d1a8cc AcXtrnal!NS_FaultTolerantHeap::FthInitializeSharedEntryPoints+0x12 0040fd08 68d1aa8d AcXtrnal!NS_FaultTolerantHeap::FthClientReportSQM+0x68 0040fd10 770779f4 AcXtrnal!NS_FaultTolerantHeap::FthExitUserProcess+0x85 0040fd24 6e9e179e kernel32!ExitProcessStub+0x12 0040fd30 6e9e1b66 MOZCRT19!__crtExitProcess(int status = 0n1855854494)+0x2e [e:\builds\moz2_slave\rel-m-rel-w32-bld\build\obj-firefox\memory\jemalloc\crtsrc\crt0dat.c @ 683] 0040fd68 6e9e1bee MOZCRT19!doexit(int code = 0n1, int quick = 0n12693628, int retcaller = 0n1855855463)+0x116 [e:\builds\moz2_slave\rel-m-rel-w32-bld\build\obj-firefox\memory\jemalloc\crtsrc\crt0dat.c @ 596] 0040fd78 01381b89 MOZCRT19!exit(int code = 0n1996960666)+0xe [e:\builds\moz2_slave\rel-m-rel-w32-bld\build\obj-firefox\memory\jemalloc\crtsrc\crt0dat.c @ 398] 0040fdb0 7707339a firefox!__tmainCRTStartup(void)+0x169 [e:\builds\moz2_slave\rel-m-rel-w32-bld\build\obj-firefox\memory\jemalloc\crtsrc\crtexe.c @ 605] 0040fdbc 77a69ed2 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe 0040fdfc 77a69ea5 ntdll32!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70 0040fe14 00000000 ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b 1 Id: 103c.2918 Suspend: 1 Teb: fffd8000 Unfrozen ChildEBP RetAddr 0301fc48 77a7471e ntdll32!ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+0x12 0301fda8 7707339a ntdll32!TppWorkerThread+0x216 0301fdb4 77a69ed2 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe 0301fdf4 77a69ea5 ntdll32!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70 0301fe0c 00000000 ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b 2 Id: 103c.15a0 Suspend: 1 Teb: fffd5000 Unfrozen ChildEBP RetAddr 0319fa80 754b0a91 ntdll32!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0x15 0319faec 77071194 KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x98 0319fb04 77071148 kernel32!WaitForSingleObjectExImplementation+0x75 0319fb18 60b2e5f9 kernel32!WaitForSingleObject+0x12 WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong. 0319fb34 77a69ed2 0x60b2e5f9 0319fb74 77a69ea5 ntdll32!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70 0319fb8c 00000000 ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b 3 Id: 103c.2ac4 Suspend: 1 Teb: fffad000 Unfrozen ChildEBP RetAddr 032af9c8 77a7471e ntdll32!ZwWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+0x12 032afb28 7707339a ntdll32!TppWorkerThread+0x216 032afb34 77a69ed2 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe 032afb74 77a69ea5 ntdll32!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x70 032afb8c 00000000 ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b 0:000:x86> |* lm start end module name 01380000 01460000 firefox (private pdb symbols) c:\symbols\firefox.pdb\F570F43517444AF68A22EF528EFBEB9B2\firefox.pdb 68d10000 68f69000 AcXtrnal (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\AcXtrnal.pdb\E15C3DA5ECBD4535BC651BD1023BA18A1\AcXtrnal.pdb 6cd80000 6ce6b000 dbghelp (deferred) 6cf20000 6d138000 AcGenral (deferred) 6e9e0000 6ea8f000 MOZCRT19 (private pdb symbols) c:\symbols\MOZCRT19.pdb\C41869C2B4F8434E821332016ED649001\MOZCRT19.pdb 6eab0000 6eb3d000 AcLayers (deferred) 722d0000 722e3000 dwmapi (deferred) 729b0000 72a30000 UxTheme (deferred) 72c80000 72d8a000 dwrite (deferred) 72f00000 7309e000 COMCTL32 (deferred) 73160000 73192000 WINMM (deferred) 73520000 73531000 SortWindows6Compat (deferred) 742a0000 742a6000 SHUNIMPL (deferred) 744a0000 744a3000 sfc (deferred) 744b0000 744bf000 samcli (deferred) 74660000 74672000 MPR (deferred) 74680000 74694000 MSACM32 (deferred) 74700000 747f5000 propsys (deferred) 74af0000 74afb000 profapi (deferred) 74b00000 74b17000 USERENV (deferred) 74bb0000 74bbd000 sfc_os (deferred) 74d00000 74d4c000 apphelp (deferred) 74d70000 74d91000 ntmarta (deferred) 74fe0000 75031000 WINSPOOL (deferred) 75040000 75049000 VERSION (deferred) 75050000 75058000 wow64cpu (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wow64cpu.pdb\57B1A2D813B749BFB824CDB9A6E4005E1\wow64cpu.pdb 75060000 750bc000 wow64win (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wow64win.pdb\6856A1854EFD48E59C6630E37A377B4B1\wow64win.pdb 750c0000 750ff000 wow64 (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wow64.pdb\1838BF4EEF834596B92AFED4126065171\wow64.pdb 75110000 7511c000 CRYPTBASE (deferred) 75120000 75180000 SspiCli (deferred) 75180000 751b5000 WS2_32 (deferred) 752e0000 7537d000 USP10 (deferred) 75380000 7544c000 MSCTF (deferred) 75450000 75495000 WLDAP32 (deferred) 754a0000 754e6000 KERNELBASE (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wkernelbase.pdb\FDF353DA71FE45CD953EBEC8ED6D14AB1\wkernelbase.pdb 754f0000 75509000 sechost (deferred) 75510000 75620000 urlmon (deferred) 75620000 7626a000 SHELL32 (deferred) 76270000 76300000 GDI32 (deferred) 76310000 76370000 IMM32 (deferred) 76370000 7648a000 WININET (deferred) 76490000 7653c000 msvcrt (deferred) 76660000 7666a000 LPK (deferred) 76670000 7680d000 SETUPAPI (deferred) 76810000 76822000 DEVOBJ (deferred) 76830000 768bf000 OLEAUT32 (deferred) 768c0000 76917000 SHLWAPI (deferred) 76920000 769c0000 ADVAPI32 (deferred) 769c0000 76ac0000 USER32 (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wuser32.pdb\0FCE9CC301ED4567A819705B2718E1D62\wuser32.pdb 76af0000 76af3000 Normaliz (deferred) 76b90000 76d48000 iertutil (deferred) 76d50000 76e40000 RPCRT4 (deferred) 76e40000 76f9c000 ole32 (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\ole32.pdb\5061F11A9A57433595EA5EA75A156F4B2\ole32.pdb 76fa0000 77023000 CLBCatQ (deferred) 77030000 77057000 CFGMGR32 (deferred) 77060000 77170000 kernel32 (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wkernel32.pdb\DFB4E9EBD1654DB2ACF1290CD316CEA22\wkernel32.pdb 77850000 779f9000 ntdll (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\ntdll.pdb\6192BFDB9F04442995FFCB0BE95172E12\ntdll.pdb 77a00000 77a06000 NSI (deferred) 77a30000 77bb0000 ntdll32 (pdb symbols) c:\symbols\wntdll.pdb\DCCFF2D483FA4DEE81DC04552C73BB5E2\wntdll.pdb
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Alle Antworten (1)
Firefox will only run one instance at a time. All new windows and/or tabs run in the same instance. To run more than one Firefox executable simultaneously, you need an 2nd Firefox Profile and need to use the correct command line parameter.
As far as that access violation crash report, see a Windows support forum for help with that or search the Microsoft support database for answers.