How to launch firefox 4 in full screen mode
hello, How to launch firefox 4 in full screen mode. I dont want to press SHIFT CMD F each time? thx
Alle Antworten (5)
Right Click Mozilla Firefox Select Properties In target box add -fullscreen at the end of the link
hello thank you for your quick answer, but I cant find this option properties or equivalent on my mac os. there is the info but not fullscreen option check. thank you
Can you close Firefox (Firefox > Quit) while in full screen mode?
That opens Firefox in full screen mode the next time on Windows and Linux. I do not know if that is possible on Mac.
The Target field under Properties had: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe". I tried changing it to: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe-fullscreen" When i clicked "Apply", it told me it was invalid.
There needs to a be a space before -fullscreen and that switch needs to be placed after the quotes
- "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -fullscreen
But I don't think that it will work. Firefox 4 doesn't have that switch by default, so support should be added via an extension.