Häufig gestellte Fragen nach der Aktualisierung von Firefox 3.6

  • Versions-ID: 14536
  • Erstellt:
  • Autor: Thomas
  • Kommentar: 1. Übersetzung begonnen
  • Überprüft: Nein
  • Bereit zum Übersetzen: Nein
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Haben Sie gerade auf die aktuelle Version von Firefox aktualisiert und wundern sich über all die Dinge, die sich geändert haben? Dieser Artikel deckt die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen ab, die nach einem Update auftauchen können, und bietet Ihnen Tonnen von hilfreichen Verweisen zu anderen großartigen Artikeln, die Sie vielleicht später durchforsten möchten.

Wenn Sie neu bei Firefox sind, sollten Sie sich auch den Artikel Erste Schritte mit Firefox – Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionen zu Gemüte führen, der die wichtigsten Funktionen erklärt.

Die Vorlage „Only in Fx4“ existiert nicht oder es ist noch keine freigeschaltete Version verfügbar.

Why weren't my tabs and windows restored?

If you had tabs and windows open when you closed Firefox, the new default Firefox home page will have a Restore Previous Session button on it. To get your tabs and windows back, just click it. Restore Previous Session - Win1Restore Previous Session - Mac1
If you don't use the default Firefox home page, you can restore your tabs and windows from the History menu:

  • At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, go over to History (History menu in Windows XP) and select Restore Previous Session.On the menu bar, click the History menu and select Restore Previous Session.At the top of the Firefox window, click the History menu and select Restore Previous Session.Restore Previous Session - Win2Restore Previous Session - Mac2

For more info about how session restore works, see Session restore and Wie stelle ich meine Tabs von der letzten Sitzung wieder her?.

Why are the menus (File, Edit, View, etc.) missing?

If you're using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you now have an orange Firefox button that takes the most common functions and puts them in one menu.

  • To temporarily show the old style menus, just press the Alt key.
  • To have them shown all the time, right-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip and check Menu Bar in the pop-up menu.
    Menu Bar - Win

How do I get the orange Firefox button?

If you're using Windows XP or you've customized your toolbars, you can switch to using the orange Firefox button by:

  • Right-clicking on an empty section of the Tab Strip and unchecking Menu Bar in the pop-up menu.

See Wiederherstellen der ausgeblendeten Firefox-Menüleiste for problems with the Menu bar and check out Symbolleisten und Schaltflächen in Firefox anpassen for more about arranging Firefox to fit your needs.

How do I get the Firefox button?

Firefox now has the option of replacing the menu bar with the Firefox button which takes the most common functions and puts them in one menu. You can switch to using the Firefox button by:

  • Right-clicking on an empty section of the Tab Strip and unchecking Menu Bar in the pop-up menu.

See Wiederherstellen der ausgeblendeten Firefox-Menüleiste for problems with the Menu bar and check out Symbolleisten und Schaltflächen in Firefox anpassen for more about arranging Firefox to fit your needs.

What happened to the back, refresh and home buttons?

To streamline the navigation section and group buttons by task, a few things have changed:

  • The back button drop-down menu can be accessed by clicking and holding on the back button.
  • The stop and refresh buttons are combined into one button on the right end of the location bar.
  • The home button is to the right of the location bar.

Nav Buttons - WinNav Buttons - Mac
Not crazy about this arrangement? No problem. It's your browser, make Firefox work the way you do. See Symbolleisten und Schaltflächen in Firefox anpassen for more about customizing buttons and toolbars.

  1. Right-clickControl-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip, select Customize... and the Customize Toolbar window will open.
  2. Drag, drop and rearrange items.
    • To add an item to a toolbar, drag it from the Customize Toolbar window onto the toolbar where you want it to appear.
    • To remove an item from a toolbar, drag it to the Customize Toolbar window.
    • To move an item in a toolbar, drag it where you want it to appear.
  3. When you are finished making changes, click Done to close the Customize Toolbar window.

Custom Buttons - WinCustom Buttons - MacToolbars - lin2

What happened to the Status Bar?

The Status Bar at the bottom of the Firefox window has changed. The new Status Bar only shows page loading activity and link previews. When neither of those are needed it simply disappears. Please see Was ist mit der Statusleiste passiert? for more.
Status Bar link - winStatus Bar link - macStatus Bar link - lin
Status Bar load - winStatus Bar load - macStatus Bar load - lin

Why do my fonts look blurry?

If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, text in Firefox may appear blurry. This is usually due to Windows ClearType not being turned on.

  1. In Windows, click Small Vista Logo and type cleartype in the search box.
  2. Click Adjust ClearType text to open the ClearType control panel.
  3. Check Turn on ClearType and then Next to fine tune your settings.
  4. After you fine tune the ClearType settings, click Finish to accept them.

For more details see, Schriften sehen unscharf aus. It's also possible that you are also experiencing issues related to outdated graphics card drivers. See Wie aktualisiere ich meine Grafiktreiber? for more information, including how to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox as a possible workaround.

Some of my add-ons were disabled. What can I do?

After upgrading, Firefox checks for new versions of your add-ons and disables those that are no longer compatible. By default it will continue to check for new versions periodically. For more info, see Nach einem Firefox-Update sind Add-ons deaktiviert.

Some add-ons (like Firebug) have completely different versions for new versions of Firefox so the auto-update feature won't work. To check for a new version:

  1. Klicken Sie auf die Menüschaltfläche menu button de fx89, klicken Sie auf Add-ons und Themes und wählen Sie Extensions.
  2. Click the more link in the add-on's description.
  3. In the detail view, click the homepage link to be taken to the add-on's website where you can search for a newer version.

Where are my bookmarks?

Relax. If you were using the Bookmarks Toolbar to hold your favorite sites you may just have to turn it back on:

  • Right-clickControl-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip and check Bookmarks Toolbar in the pop-up menu.
    Bookmarks Toolbar - WinBookmarks Toolbar - Mac

You can also view and organize your bookmarks in the Library window.

  • Klicken Sie auf die Menüschaltfläche menu button de fx89, um das Menü zu öffnen. Klicken Sie auf Lesezeichen und klicken Sie dann unten auf Lesezeichen verwalten, um das Bibliotheksfenster zu öffnen.
    Bookmarks Button win

For more about using bookmarks, including tagging and organizing, see Mit Lesezeichen Ihre Lieblingsseiten speichern und verwalten

Why are tabs on top of the location bar now?

The main reason is that it just makes more sense — especially with features like App Tabs and the Add-ons Manager. For details on this change, see Wie Sie den neuen Firefox so aussehen lassen wie den alten Firefox

How do I put tabs back like they used to be?

  • Right-clickControl-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip and uncheck Tabs on Top in the pop-up menu.
    Tabs on top - WinTabs on top - Mac