Can’t Move Tabs Since Update

After updating to version 129.2 on my iPhone, I can no longer rearrange my tabs. I can tap and hold on a tab and move it but then it snaps back to the old position. This … (læs mere)

After updating to version 129.2 on my iPhone, I can no longer rearrange my tabs. I can tap and hold on a tab and move it but then it snaps back to the old position. This is making the browser unusable for me. I have tried closing and reopening the app and restarting my iPhone but neither worked.

Stillet af Cat M for 2 uger siden

Seneste svar af vargo.b for 6 timer siden

Accessibility improvements

Dear Firefox Team, I am writing to propose an enhancement for your iOS and Android, as well as desktop applications, that would greatly benefit users with visual impairm… (læs mere)

Dear Firefox Team,

I am writing to propose an enhancement for your iOS and Android, as well as desktop applications, that would greatly benefit users with visual impairments. It would also benefit anyone who is aware that they are in need of supplementary assistance in the absorption of information and knowledge, such as myself (for context; I am an adult with autism and ADHD). Specifically, I suggest adding an accessibility feature that provides verbal dictation of the text on the phone. This addition would significantly improve the experience for users with limited or no sight or potentially even other types of disabilities.

As a friendly neighborhood computer consultant, I recommend Firefox as the default browser to my friends and family because of its strong commitment to privacy. Additionally, a partnership with DuckDuckGo could further underscore your dedication to user privacy.

I appreciate your consideration of these suggestions and look forward to seeing your continued innovation and reaction to my notes. Enhancing accessibility features not only supports inclusivity but could also attract new users and potentially open up advertising opportunities. I am eager to share more ideas in the future and would be delighted to contribute to your mission in any way possible.

Best regards,

Seth Noreman [edited phone# from public community support forum]

P.S. If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me. I am also available to help create promotional materials or tutorial videos on how to use these accessibility features, leveraging my background in digital art and my unique perspective as an adult with autism.

Thank you for your time.

Stillet af sethnoreman for 1 uge siden

Seneste svar af Paul for 2 dage siden


Typing about:config in the address bar does not bring up a list of configuration files. All it does is produce a google search list of YouTube and Mozilla help sites. How… (læs mere)

Typing about:config in the address bar does not bring up a list of configuration files. All it does is produce a google search list of YouTube and Mozilla help sites. How can I access Firefox configuration files so I can stop websites from refreshing?

Stillet af Stuart Knox for 4 dage siden

Seneste svar af NoahSUMO for 2 dage siden

sign in

HOw do I stay signed in to Firefox so I do not have to sign in everytime I open it? Also, I created a new password which is being rejected. Since I can see the password, … (læs mere)

HOw do I stay signed in to Firefox so I do not have to sign in everytime I open it? Also, I created a new password which is being rejected. Since I can see the password, I know its the right one.

Stillet af lucindamacy for 1 uge siden

Seneste svar af Khalid for 1 uge siden

Confirmation code

There is no place to copy confirmation code I changed secondary elail, switched second to orimary. Trying to merge two accounts but mozilla does not recognize the separat… (læs mere)

There is no place to copy confirmation code I changed secondary elail, switched second to orimary. Trying to merge two accounts but mozilla does not recognize the separate accounts as being two, the email addresses having something like aliases. How can I ever recuperate my passwords etc?

Two separate problems.

Confirmation code Two accounts with slightly different email adresses that are the same address



Stillet af M for 1 uge siden

Seneste svar af Khalid for 1 uge siden


Ok, so first everyone needs to know I love Firefox, I have never donated a cent to Firefox. I think I have burned by FIREFOX MOZILLA HOW? I am not sure, because I am not… (læs mere)

Ok, so first everyone needs to know I love Firefox, I have never donated a cent to Firefox. I think I have burned by FIREFOX MOZILLA HOW? I am not sure, because I am not an expert as all of you, but: I uninstalled Firefox because my iPad kept freezing and does not move on my iPad and all my four phones. While reinstalling Firefox, I see that one of their products called Monitor said my accounts have been compromised about 700+ instances. Then I proceed to find out how my accounts and private data was compromised? Well when I saw the list, you can imagine how long IT IS??? well, I was given a choice do it by paying $8+ a month/yearly and or manual; so what is the question how my addresses got compromised if I only use Firefox, Isn’t Firefox the self appointed SUPER GREAT BROWSER AND ADVOCATE FOR SECURITY AND INTERNET USER RIGHTS AND SO ON? Well again I am not an expert, but what I’m am so FXXXXXG burning stupidity it is that when I attempted to use the service, the FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS OF SECURITY your FUL NAME, YOUR DATE OF BIRTH, YOUR CITY AND STATE. Well, I am sorry today I lost flight on this browser, back to Safari, I guess. LIKE AN STUPID IDIOT I GAVE MY FULL NAME, MY DATE OF BIRTH, MY CITY, MY STATE TO FIREFOX/MOZILLA. NOW FIREFOX MOZILLA HAS ME BY MY BAXXS AND I FELT FOR IT. DO YOU WHY I HAVE NEVER GIVE A CENT TO FIREFOX, WITH ALL THE RESPECT ALL OF YOU DESERVE HIGH TECH, YES INCLUDING FIREFOX MOZILLA IS LIKE A POLITICIAN THAT BEGS FOR MONY AND SCREW YOU LATER. I AM MAD AS HELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!

Stillet af RBSAIR for 2 uger siden

Seneste svar af Paul for 2 uger siden

Grid view of Firefox on Iphone

Until yesterday I had a 6-tab grid view of urls on my Iphone. I have no idea why but it has reverted to list mode and I do not like it. It limits what I can be reading at… (læs mere)

Until yesterday I had a 6-tab grid view of urls on my Iphone. I have no idea why but it has reverted to list mode and I do not like it. It limits what I can be reading at the same time about a topic. I have tried everything I can find on the web about changing it but have not been successful because I can find no where where in settings where it gives me the option of the grid view. HELP!!!

Stillet af jsdhexis for 2 uger siden

Seneste svar af NoahSUMO for 2 uger siden

maybe i’m just unfamiliar with firefox but where’s my extension?

Sorry! 0 results found for ‘i’m on ios, i have firefox and i found an extension i want, i click download but see no download. I signed in several times but i just get the… (læs mere)

Sorry! 0 results found for ‘i’m on ios, i have firefox and i found an extension i want, i click download but see no download. I signed in several times but i just get the landing page.

Stillet af Cairnsy for 2 uger siden

Seneste svar af James for 2 uger siden

Issues with Syncing Bookmarks on Firefox for iOS

Hello, I’ve been using Firefox on my iOS device, and I’m trying to sync my bookmarks across devices. However, it seems like the bookmarks from my desktop are not showing… (læs mere)


I’ve been using Firefox on my iOS device, and I’m trying to sync my bookmarks across devices. However, it seems like the bookmarks from my desktop are not showing up on my iPhone. I have already logged into my Firefox account on both devices and enabled sync for bookmarks.

Could you please guide me on how to properly sync bookmarks between Firefox on desktop and Firefox for iOS? Are there any additional steps or settings I need to check?

Thanks in advance!

Stillet af Alyx Bond for 3 uger siden

Seneste svar af Tomatoshadow2 for 3 uger siden