Detecting the right proxy in a Multiple Proxys enviroment.
We are using a PAC-File. In the Function: FindProxyForURL(url, host) you return the Proxy. We are returning the Value:
"PROXY proxy1:3128; proxy2:8080"
How Firefox determ wich Proxy is now active? We see that Firefox often takes the fallback Proxy. Which
Hello, We are using a PAC-File. In the Function: FindProxyForURL(url, host) you return the Proxy. We are returning the Value:
"PROXY proxy1:3128; proxy2:8080".
We see that Firefox often takes the fallback Proxy. The connection via the Fallback proxy is much slower than the connection via the original proxy.
My Questions:
How does Firefox recognize which Proxy is now active?
Is there away to debug the Proxy Selection?
Can I give a priority to a Proxy?
Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen Bernd Wollny Proxy Support Team