Web page is not loading in full
I often visit the website rsn.org. This is a media site that allows people to post comments. In the past, I never had a problem using Firefox and the pages always loaded with the comment section at the bottom.
Starting this past week, the comment section is no longer visible. I did not change any settings in Firefox nor did I upgrade my OS or anything else. I queried the site owner to see if there were problems or changes that could have instigated this but there were not. I copied the url into Safari and was able to see the page as it should appear.
WHAT HAS FIREFOX DONE AND WHY??? I have read all the articles but nothing seems to address this problem which is clearly of Firefox' making. Why is Firefox blocking this access and how do I get them to stop?
All Replies (4)
Works for me on the same version of mac. see screenshot It would help us help you if you provide steps to replicate, screenshots, and links to the issue... What troubleshooting steps for this "Firefox" issue did you try?
Thanks for your reply. It doesn't matter which article I load, the result is that the comment section is now missing. I loaded your link and have attached a screen shot of what I get.
I clicked on both the lock and the shield icons but I didn't make any changes to anything as I am not savvy enough to connect what's possible with my problem.
If you have any thoughts as to what might have created the problem, I would very much welcome any suggestions. Do you think that deleting Firefox and reinstalling might be an approach to solving?
BTW - Even though my Safari version is 11.1.2, it still loads the page correctly.
You need to provide links to what you're showing. Did you try Firefox in Safe Mode? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/diagnose-firefox-issues-using-troubleshoot-mode#w_how-to-start-firefox-in-4troubleshoot-modesf5safe-modesf
No I didn't. I will try that I advise. Thanks very much