old passwords showing up saved logins AFTER 124.0.1 was installed
I've become VERY diligent about replacing my old, simple passwords. I no longer repeat passwords, have long complex logins, everything (not to mention 2-factor notificat… (funda kabanzi)
I've become VERY diligent about replacing my old, simple passwords.
I no longer repeat passwords, have long complex logins, everything (not to mention 2-factor notification on sites that have it)
I was shocked that after I updated to 124.0.1 that alot of my old passwords showed back up in my saved logins
Fortunately that doesn't mean that those are still active passwords on there respective sites.
However, how do I get my "saved logins" back to it's form BEFORE I updated to 124.0.1.....it seems that the update is what did it
the only solution I can come up with is just manually delete all the old ones that showed back up...I really don't want to do that
For what it's worth- I do have a "Old Firefox Data" file on my desktop
I'm currently running MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1
Thank you I hope you can help