Firefox Identifies *.CSV as a "Firefox HTML Document"
Firefox is labeling *.CSV downloads as "Firefox HTML Document." I don't see *.CSV files in the "Applications" list for file handling. The mime-type on the download i… (funda kabanzi)
Firefox is labeling *.CSV downloads as "Firefox HTML Document."
I don't see *.CSV files in the "Applications" list for file handling.
The mime-type on the download is set server-side to "text/csv".
Server code (ASP.NET/VB):
With Response
.ClearContent() .Clear() .Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/csv") .Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename=""{TempFileName}""") .Headers.Add("Content-Length", My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(TempFileFullPath).Length) .TransmitFile(TempFileFullPath) .Flush() .Close()
End With