Run external script by right clicking
Hello, Fo years I've used native Firefox on my Ubuntu system (which is /usr/bin/firefox). Now I've switched to snap firefox, because it's the new way to use and update Firefox on Ubuntu systems. I used too an extension called Open with (https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/open-with/), to open shell scripts when I right clicked on a hypertext link to use it in the script shell. Then the script did its job with the url link received in parameter. I know it wasn't the goal of this extension, but It did the job I wanted. Now, in the snap firefox, I cannot do the same. It seems its because native messaging (https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Native_messaging) doesn't allow permission to interact with others applications (fix me if I'm wrong). I test several extensions, but I didn't find one to do the same job, and I've not the skills to developp it. Si here's my question: is there a way to do execute this type of script (not JavaScript) doing a right click on a link? Thank you for your help.