can no longer create a desktop shortcut to a website sometimes
As many others have said (however those posts are locked so i cannot reply) Firefox seems to randomly lose the ability to save shortcuts, (by dragging from the address bar) to the desktop.
Restart a few times, wait, random things, and it comes back next time you try... been bugging me for years. Seems to occur when firefox has been running for some time with lots of tabs open. As others have said, it displays a little "NO" icon (circle with a line through it) when trying to drag the URL from the lock or favicon section of the address bar, to the desktop. Other times it works fine.
I searched a bit, but perhaps someone has another idea on how to fix this permanently, or how to recover from it without restarting the computer. Firefox version is 110.0.1.
PS. I would re think the idea of archiving posts. Because its nice to be able to reply to old posts, even if they are "solved". The original poster may have found a solution and never posted about it, for instance.