can I delete a .htm file in my C:/i386 folder in my Dell Windows XP laptop
I've been working on deleted unneeded files to create more room on my harddrive. I have a old Dell Inspiron E1705 with Windows XP. I have a lot of files with .htm extensions in my C:\i386 folder. Can I delete these files.
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Sorry, its not related to MOzilla products support
Try in Techie forums
Files ending .htm are likely to be either some sort of bookmark or a copy of a web page.
In this case they are in a top level folder and likely to be important to the computer or a potential restoration process (although there are likely to be better methods)
You may follow suggestion as above or look for information yourself try for instance http://lmgtfy.com/?q=c%3A%5Ci386+folder http://bit.ly/14hXZOT
I am looking at this thread after a request to delete it as off topic. I will let it stand but it may be closed or deleted by someone else. This is not really a Firefox issue, but hopefully it is answered.
Not a good idea to delete anything C:\i386 especially if you do not have your original Windows installation CD that came with laptop though not all manufacturers do.
Just Google for "C:\i386" which gives lots of results on what it is and such like for example http://ask-leo.com/so_just_what_is_the_i386_directory_anyway.html