screen brightness
My eyes are brightness sensitive. how do I make my defauult screen gray or black? Thank you. Tom Murphy, Ireland
所有回覆 (2)
Read your owners manual for your monitor settings.
Hi Tom, a global setting or filter might be most efficient, but if you want to limit changes to Firefox:
The built-in Firefox Home / new tab page allows adding a background color. See the wallpaper section of this article: Customize your New Tab page to hide or display content.
To set something more global, Firefox has theme and setting options to control built-in pages:
(1) Set the Website Appearance to Dark (affects built-in pages and some others) - Change website appearance settings in Firefox
(2) Switch from System theme to Dark theme (affects toolbars and menus) - Use themes to change the look of Firefox
For the web in general, you could consider a dark theme add-on such as Dark Reader
And if you decide you don't want a dark theme, there are some add-ons that adjust overall page brightness. Here's an example, but I have not tested it myself:
- Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kna9foKkkww
- Main page: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/adjust-screen-brightness/
Note that add-ons usually can't inject changes into built-in pages, or certain Mozilla sites.