How do I install Firefox6 in Fedora 15?
Firefox5 does not have an install update button. How do I install the latest Firefox6 in Fedora 15? It would be nice to have updates automatic.
All Replies (1)
this is a guide to install the latest preview version of firefox aurora (firefox 6 alpha currently) on fedora 15 64 bit. fedora doesn’t have the ppa system that i used for ubuntu 11.04. it will only install it for the current user…not system wide. all commands should be entered in the terminal. firstly, back up your existing mozilla directory (this might take a little while)
cp –r .mozilla .mozilla.bak
download the latest version of firefox aurora from the mozilla site here
cd into wherever you downloaded this file to…for me it’s
cd Downloads
now, extract the file to a directory called .firefox in your home directory
tar –jxvf firefox* –C /home/yourusername/.firefox
next we need to install some libraries that fedora 15 doesn’t install by default. as root issue
yum install libstdc++.so.* glibc-2.14–3.i686 xulrunner-5.0–2.fc15.i686
close down any firefox windows you have open and run the following to start firefox (version 6.0a2 at the time of writing)
there may be easier ways of doing this…i’m not a linux guru. if you have your own tips feel free to comment. some of my extensions aren’t working…most notably xmarks but this will improve in time. seems stable…i’m using it to write this post in fact.