Svetlana (Gryllida)
- 1 கேள்வி
- 915 பதில்கள்
- 76 தீர்வுகள்
- 49 documents
Svetlana பற்றி
Crickets, family Gryllidae, are also known as "true crickets". Crickets are harmless to humans. - Wikipedia, 2011.
Svetlana A. Tkachenko (Gryllida) Member of the Free Software Foundation
sept 2015 AAQ page ideas (stealing from so)
Live chat on forum ideaThis is something raised in a bug as well.
In my view, we should make a separate section of the forums which is
* only open at a given time of week * does not require registration to post * shows messages updated live * is skinned like a chat * is not publicly viewable * has room monitor functionality(room monitors = forum admins who can view the ongoing thread/conversation)
Then we could open this separate section at a certain time during the week when many helpers are available, and do a live chat shift.
- My contributions section
- More system details section
- View link target source context menu item
- Forums contributor dashboard
- Solved it button
Svetlana's குழுக்கள்
- Contributors
- Live Chat helpers
- Registered as contributor
- Russian Localization