Dear support person,
When streaming video games on multiple platforms i use a dock from a website called social stream Ninja.
This opens a browser page that shows chats … (read more)
Dear support person,
When streaming video games on multiple platforms i use a dock from a website called social stream Ninja.
This opens a browser page that shows chats from 3 platforms, Twitch, Youtube and Kick.
I have a dual PC setup, so i game on the first PC with the second PC running the actual stream through a capture card.
When i go into SteamVR, i add a desktop panel with that exact dock/webpage on firefox, but the page "pauses" and chat doesn't update anymore. I thought this was a focus issue, so i tried this plugin = Always active Window - Always Visible
Sadly FireFox still doesn't update the page, therefore stream chat doesn't show up, the page pauses.
A sort of work-around is running the game in borderless window, but this is VR, and eats up quite the bit of performance, fullscreen is preferred. The borderless window works on Assetto Corsa VR, but on Dirt Rally 2 VR it doesn't, so I really need FireFox to update the page in the background.
I've been tearing my hair out trying to find a solution, the 'focus' plugin was my best idea.
Any chance you could help me?
Kind Regards,