Dark mode on macOS Mojave is not really dark mode
Although Firefox 64.0 should support dark mode on macOS Mojave it appears it's not exactly so, and instead Firefox just get a dark theme. If you enable dark mode in Mojave and use the default theme in Firefox you get a dark UI but if, for example, you chose the file/open menu you see the file requester is not dark at all. This is not how proper dark mode should work in macOS, any plan to implement it correctly?
Although Firefox 64.0 should support dark mode on macOS Mojave it appears it's not exactly so, and instead Firefox just get a dark theme. If you enable dark mode in Mojave and use the default theme in Firefox you get a dark UI but if, for example, you chose the file/open menu you see the file requester is not dark at all. This is not how proper dark mode should work in macOS, any plan to implement it correctly?