Save web pages for later with Pocket for Firefox

Firefox, Pocket Firefox, Pocket Naposledy aktualizovaný: 44% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
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The Save to Pocket button Fx89PocketButton in the Firefox toolbar lets you save web pages and videos to Pocket in just one click. Pocket strips away clutter and saves the page in a clean, distraction-free view and lets you access them on the go through the Pocket app. All you need is a free account, an Internet connection and the Pocket button in the toolbar.

Save web pages to Pocket

  1. Click the Save to Pocket button Fx89PocketButton in the toolbar.
  2. Follow the prompts to sign up for a free account (or sign in if you already have one).
  3. When you see an interesting page or video, click the Save to Pocket button Fx89PocketButton to save it instantly. (Click Remove if you change your mind.)

View your Pocket list on the Web

You can view your Pocket list when you save a web page to Pocket, by clicking View My Saves in the Saved to Pocket message box. To view your Pocket list without saving a web page to Pocket, open the New Tab page, click the Save to Pocket button Fx89PocketButton in the toolbar and click View My Saves.

You can also visit to view your list and bookmark that page. Alternatively, you can try an add-on like View Pocket List. Please reach out to the add-on developer directly, if you need help with a specific add-on.

Note: Saving to and accessing your Pocket list on Firefox requires an Internet connection. Offline viewing is possible on other devices with the Pocket app. See Use Pocket offline for more information.

View your Pocket articles on your phone

Access your saved pages on your phone or tablet with the Pocket app. See Sign in to Pocket with your Mozilla account. (A Wi-Fi or data connection is required to view videos saved to Pocket.)

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