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Session Lost due to Firefox Crash

Hi, my session with a lot of open tabs has been lost due to a crash. In the profile folder, the recovery and previous files in the sessionstore-backups have been deleted.… (читать ещё)

Hi, my session with a lot of open tabs has been lost due to a crash. In the profile folder, the recovery and previous files in the sessionstore-backups have been deleted. I tried to recover them using shadow explorer, but these files are corrupted, so I've had no success reading them. Is there a way to fix the corrupted files? Alternatively, because I've had sync enabled for open tabs, is there a log for past open tab synchronizations? If this was stored on the cloud, it may be possible to retrieve that table and restore the list of open tabs that way?

Задан Darkmight11 2 месяца назад

Последний ответ от jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 дня назад

  • Закрыто


* Numbered list item If you have a legitimate question related to a Mozilla product, please submit a question with details at /questions/new. … (читать ещё)

  1. * Numbered list item

If you have a legitimate question related to a Mozilla product, please submit a question with details at /questions/new.

Задан tdbankspprttm 4 дня назад

Последний ответ от tdbankspprttm 4 дня назад

  • Решено

Firefox (PC) and Firefox Browser (Android - version 133.0.3) have bookmarks synchronized, but not sorted according to the "Manage Bookmarks" on the latter

Hi all, There is a bug regarding the "Manage Bookmarks" in Firefox (Android - version 133.0.3). Despite being sorted accordingly on PC and synchronized, the mobile vers… (читать ещё)

Hi all, There is a bug regarding the "Manage Bookmarks" in Firefox (Android - version 133.0.3).

Despite being sorted accordingly on PC and synchronized, the mobile version of Firefox for bookmarks are scrambled (see attached image).

On mobile Firefox, it looked like it was sorted according to the "recently added" bookmarks.

To add on for more details, expected results according to the PC version of "Bookmarks Manager", it should have been displayed this way on Android Firefox:

  • Desktop Bookmarks
  • Folder
  • Link 1
  • Link 2
  • Link 3
  • Link 4
  • Link 5
  • Webtoon
  • Twitter

And so on.

Задан Sora 2 месяца назад

Дан ответ Sora 2 месяца назад

mozilla account hijacked =/

Thanks for any help. YouTube stopped playing video content this evening — the site worked fine this afternoon — and there has been some unauthorized activity in my Mozill… (читать ещё)

Thanks for any help. YouTube stopped playing video content this evening — the site worked fine this afternoon — and there has been some unauthorized activity in my Mozilla account. I'm still logged in, but according to the security settings in my account, the password was changed and the backup code option you can enable to verify your account has been disabled. I'm thinking someone changed my password and if I log out, I'll lose everything. They have my passwords! Help!

Задан rowlandkl 1 неделю назад

  • Решено

Open external app button events unreliable

I use an external torrent app LibreTorrent. When I click on magnet links, FF133 faithfully opens the external app handler. However when I tap the OK button FF very often … (читать ещё)

I use an external torrent app LibreTorrent. When I click on magnet links, FF133 faithfully opens the external app handler. However when I tap the OK button FF very often ignores my tapping. I can hit several times with no effect. I can see a quick circle showing as I tap, so the tap is generating an event, but FF does not react to it. This happens in normal and private mode. Sometimes after a couple or perhaps a dozen or more taps, the OK event has an effect and the external app launches fine.

A very curiously I accidentally noticed that if I tap or swipe the text also showing on the dialog box before tapping OK, the first tap on OK always works! 100% reliable. Something is fishy with event handling.

Repro: FF133 + current LibreTorrent client, then tap of first magnet link at https://webtorrent.io/free-torrents

Задан mrjames 3 месяца назад

Дан ответ mrjames 1 неделю назад

Firefox Android 134 crashing when closing

Since version 134 of Firefox Android has been out, it crashes EVERY TIME when I try ot use the "back" gesture on my Xiaomi 14(i.e. swiping from right or left side of the … (читать ещё)

Since version 134 of Firefox Android has been out, it crashes EVERY TIME when I try ot use the "back" gesture on my Xiaomi 14(i.e. swiping from right or left side of the screen) I tried Firefox 134, Iceraven 2.27 (also based on the same Gecko) - they act the same. In the same time I also have Waterfox, based in the previous version of Firefox 133, and it responds properly. I guess it is related to the latest version only. Here's the crash log:

f5e34211-feda-4d80-b244-c2e4db76c44d java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'float android.window.BackMotionEvent.getTouchX()' on a null object reference

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'float android.window.BackMotionEvent.getTouchX()' on a null object reference at android.window.WindowOnBackInvokedDispatcher$OnBackInvokedCallbackWrapper.lambda$onBackStarted$1(WindowOnBackInvokedDispatcher.java:353) at android.window.WindowOnBackInvokedDispatcher$OnBackInvokedCallbackWrapper.$r8$lambda$jWVwe-YeLRxW3tAMLuWZynG6e1k(Unknown Source:0) at android.window.WindowOnBackInvokedDispatcher$OnBackInvokedCallbackWrapper$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.run(Unknown Source:4) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:224) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:318) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8759) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:561) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1013)

Задан martin347 1 месяц назад

Последний ответ от MrGrappleMan 2 недели назад

  • Решено

Can no longer access my local server nor router via Firefox

I can no longer access my local TrueNAS server nor router via Firefox. My current version is 133.0.3. Safari has no trouble. Firefox gives no warning, no Advanced button… (читать ещё)

I can no longer access my local TrueNAS server nor router via Firefox. My current version is 133.0.3. Safari has no trouble. Firefox gives no warning, no Advanced button, no option to bypass security. All I get is: "Unable to connect An error occurred during a connection to

   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web."

I have tried so many settings, troubleshootings, workarounds, I can't begin to list them. It happens in troubleshooting mode. I have created SSL certificates on the server many different ways to no avail. I'm thinking I will have to abandon Firefox with it's obscure, no-way-through security. But I wanted to ask for help first. Please help.

Задан sites1 2 месяца назад

Дан ответ sites1 2 недели назад

Firefox hangs when merchant page transfers to Paypal

Paypal hangs when transferred from vendor site to complete purchase. Relaunching Firefox in troubleshooting mode resolves issue. Also works with Safari. What's wrong, wha… (читать ещё)

Paypal hangs when transferred from vendor site to complete purchase. Relaunching Firefox in troubleshooting mode resolves issue. Also works with Safari. What's wrong, what needs to be changed?

Задан jon857 3 месяца назад

Последний ответ от wwwoolf 2 недели назад

Lost all tabs and history after a crash

We apparently lost power sometime during the night. When I turned on the monitor and opened FF, I got the error message that it had crashed. As my subject line says, I lo… (читать ещё)

We apparently lost power sometime during the night. When I turned on the monitor and opened FF, I got the error message that it had crashed. As my subject line says, I lost all my tabs, the pinned ones (probably about 10) as well as the open ones (probably between 10 and 15). I also lost all my history. I can't use the 'Restore Previous Session' because it doesn't give me that option.

I've restarted Firefox and also rebooted my computer...still nothing happens. It's up to date, version 133.0. But I have no history beyond this morning. Is there any way I can recover those tabs or history?

And in my FF Settings, there's a link at the top that says "Your browser is being managed by your organization". I don't have or belong to an organization. When I click on the link it takes me to another page that says it's "Active" and there's a huge list of "Documentation" that apparently involves a lot of code. Can you please explain what all that means? Thanks so much for any help!

Задан Honey Wesley 3 месяца назад

Последний ответ от jonzn4SUSE 2 недели назад


I am trying to print a slogan directly from computer to printer, but it refuses to print the slogan I need. Now I have a message on the printer saying "the login URL has… (читать ещё)

I am trying to print a slogan directly from computer to printer, but it refuses to print the slogan I need. Now I have a message on the printer saying "the login URL has expired. Please try again. How/where do I enter the login URL? And why won't it print the slogan?

Задан PaulaD 3 недели назад

Inline JavaScript to hide bookmarks sidebar upon opening new browser instance

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented? … (читать ещё)

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented?

I want to have it start with everything else turned off or hidden, namely

   memu bar
   page tabs bar
   address bar along all add-on buttons
   bookmarks sidebar

The "-kiosk" option is not appropriate for my needs.

-kiosk doesn't hide the sidebar (Bookmarks or not) if that sidebar was visible during last session before exit ... so ... no, "-kiosk" is not a proper implementation of a "page-only" display mode.

"-private-window" gives no benefit, display-wise, over and above what the "-new-window" option provides.

Everything I've read (even on the Mozilla support site) seems to point to creating a special profile for just that mode, and then to modify the "userChrome.css" file with custom properties to ensure the desired "off" setting for the GUI elements. That seems a rather "small-minded" view, ignoring the potential for huge market of self-contained hard-coded applications that would need only use the Firefox rendering engine, and nothing else!

One comment on Reddit indicated that the functionality was there ("-app" option working with XULrunner), but discontinued!

As a test, I did close all my browsers, leaving the bookmark sidebar visible before closing. I then entered:

firefox -kiosk -safe-mode -private-window ${URL}

I still get the bookmark-sidebar visible, with everything else "hidden" or "disabled", because visible sidebar is my default mode for normal browsing.

Is there no command-line startup switch to force that sidebar to "hide", equivalent to clicking on the "X" on the top-right corner?

OR ...

Is there any programmatic way to tell that to hide using JavaScript in the HTML page that is loaded? Everything I seem to locate refer to in-page Elements only, not Browser Elements. :frowning:

But "kiosk"(fullscreen-mode) is not the mode I want, because I want users to be able to have the simplified browser-based HTML App co-exist on the desktop with other windows, like a normal App.

    • Basic HTML test page** *(myHtmlGame.html)* **:**

``` <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>myHtmlGame.html</title> <link href="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

Box A
Box B
Box C
Box D
Box E
<script> {what to I place here } </script> ```

    • Basic Javascript file** (*myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js*) **:**


// REF: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690002/how-can-i-prevent-firefox-showing-my-extensions-sidebar-on-startup var current = this;

var quitObserver = {

  QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
     if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
        return this;
     throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
  observe: function(aSubject,aTopic,aData ) {
     var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
     var sidebar  = mainWindow.document.getElementById("sidebar");
     if (sidebar.contentWindow.location.href == "chrome://daisy/content/sidebar.xul") {
        mainWindow.toggleSidebar('openDaisySidebar', false);


setTimeout(function() {

  var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
  var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);

},2000); ```

I've tried using this alternative content for the JavaScript file, but that also failed (using '*hideSidebarBookmarks()*' call in the in-line script segment):

``` function hideSidebarBookmarks() { const sidebar = document.getElementById("CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS") ; sidebar.hide() ; } ```

I even tried replacing the word "document" with "browser" in the above, still with no success. :-(

    • Startup command :**

``` firefox -new-window ./myHtmlGame.html & ```

    • Basic CSS file** *(myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css)* **:**

``` html { font-size: 14px ; font-family: "Liberation Sans", "Aileron", "Archivo", FreeSerif, serif ; line-height: 1.2em ; }

body { display: block ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; color: #FF0000 ;

margin-top: 0 ; margin-right: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 ; margin-left: 0 ; }



.game-grid { display: grid ; grid-template-columns: 300px 300px 60px ; grid-template-rows: 40px 300px 150px ; }

.game-item-1 { grid-column: 1 / span 3 ; grid-row: 1 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-2 { grid-column: 3 / span 1 ; grid-row: 2 / span 2 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-3 { grid-column: 1 / span 2 ; grid-row: 2 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-4 { grid-column: 1 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; /* box-sizing: border-box ; */ border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ;

padding-left: 3 em ;

display: block ; color: #FFCF4F ;

word-wrap: break-word ; /* overflow-y: scroll ; overflow-y: auto ; */ overflow-anchor: none ; scrollbar-color: grey-black ; scrollbar-width: thin ; scroll-padding-bottom: 20px ;

/* In case you need to kick off effect immediately, this plus JS */ /* height: 100.001vh ; */ }

.game-item-5 { grid-column: 2 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

div { padding-top: 1 em ; padding-right: 0 ; padding-bottom: 1 em ; padding-left: 0 ; }


The above will display per the attached image.

Задан EricM 3 недели назад

Последний ответ от EricM 3 недели назад

AVC video playback is periodically malfunctioning on Firefox 133.0.3 after updating Intel Graphics driver to

My GPU is the integrated GPU on the Intel U7-155H CPU. When some AVC videos are played, the browser reacts extremely slow and the video image is glitched and at a really … (читать ещё)

My GPU is the integrated GPU on the Intel U7-155H CPU. When some AVC videos are played, the browser reacts extremely slow and the video image is glitched and at a really low rate of frame, and the video decoding engine seemed to be 100% occupied as shown in the task manager (normal video playback never occupied so much of it). Seems like AV1 encoded video never triggered the problem. The problem doesn't always happen, but at a rather high frequency. This never happened before I updated the Intel graphics driver from to The problem seemed not to happen on other browsers such as Microsoft Edge.

Задан rjys365 3 месяца назад

Последний ответ от sstvytac 3 недели назад

cannot sync collections

I have several collections in Firefox on my old phone, things I use regularly. It's the only way to save websites on the phone, so I assumed this would sync to my new pho… (читать ещё)

I have several collections in Firefox on my old phone, things I use regularly. It's the only way to save websites on the phone, so I assumed this would sync to my new phone.

I can see an archived thread about this from 2022, is it really not possible to sync these? It seems bizarre to offer the capability to bookmark sites, but not allow it to live with you.

Will it ever be possible? Or should I stop relying on this feature? The main collection I use frequently is one for recipes.

Задан Heidi Claus 3 месяца назад

Последний ответ от milosemi 3 недели назад

google, and only google, has started appearing with a scroll bar in the middle and bottom of screen when in use

Hello, earlier in the day I pressed a keyboard shortcut on accident when picking up my keyboard and has changed google results quite dramatically. I grabbed my keyboard … (читать ещё)

Hello, earlier in the day I pressed a keyboard shortcut on accident when picking up my keyboard and has changed google results quite dramatically. I grabbed my keyboard and had a menu pop up on the left side and after i closed it noticed my google results had a scroll bar now. The results page only presents itself on the left half of the screen and a scroll bar has appeared on both the right side, cutting off text, and bottom of the page. These scroll bars only move a tiny bit and are quite unnecessary, but makes scrolling a pain as I have to be sure I am outside the new scroll bar area as they take precedent from the main scroll bar. I have googled Firefox's keyboard shortcuts and haven't found the one i need to fix this. Before I'm asked, no I do not have crazy zoom on and no zooming in does not fix this problem.

Задан Gnarkilly 3 месяца назад

Последний ответ от JLEES 1 месяц назад