Cloudflare Issue
I am trying to view a website that is protected by cloudflare and afew days ago I could look at it with out issue now it keeps coming up with Checking if the site connection is secure XXXXXXXX.net needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
I removed the web sites address from the above as its does this with a few sites
I have tried to view the sites in both Private/incognito Mode and standard window
if some one can help me figure this out I will be most welcome as it means I can view some of the sites I normally see there is a button that says to verify you are human but when I try to click it, it dissapears and starts constantly reloading or just a moment showing
yes I have a VPN and have tried viewing sites with and without it on as well as using a different browser
Все ответы (3)
Difficult to help with something we cannot see or replicate.
I known just wondering if any one else has had this issue and if they found a way to get it to work again as it did a few days ago but then got the SSL Error which was because of me AV protection so not sure if it is a FF issue or a AV Issue
- FF = Firefox
- AV = Anti Virus
Here are some links which may help. I have added a blank space to each of the external ones; you will have to remove those.
https://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-dns-over-https https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/dns-over-https-doh-faqs
https://www.ssllabs. com/ssltest/ https://www.ssllabs. com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html