en-US Use Pocket offlineMinor update
en-US Use Pocket offlineMinor update
updated images, other edits
Minor update
edits to pending revision (see also bug 1942874)
Deleted keywords, fixed typo. Mark RFL? https-upgrades article links here.
Bug 1941667
removed "HTTPS-Only mode is enabled by default."; Secure Connection...->Secure site not available
What is the difference...? removed SSL (secure sockets layer). See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/https-only-prefs/discuss/13038
bug 1942689
en-US Firefox Suggest FAQWhat is Firefox Suggest? added detail, removed fx92 content; What's on by default -> What's already provided? Learn more: Firefox Suggest for Mobile
Intro: more detail; Related content: added "Firefox Suggest FAQ"
Fixed a link title
minor edits
en-US What is Mozilla Connect?I commented the last section, which has been out of date since 2021, to make it disappear.
Bug 1899859
What is the difference...? SSL -> TLS, formerly Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
What is the difference...? SSL -> TLS, formerly Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)