Installing Firefox ESR in Enterprise Enviroments

Hello everyone, We have been using Mozilla Firefox ESR (32-bit) in the organization for several years. For installation on our clients, we use "Matrix42 Empirum" as the … (read more)

Hello everyone,

We have been using Mozilla Firefox ESR (32-bit) in the organization for several years. For installation on our clients, we use "Matrix42 Empirum" as the software distribution tool. All it does is install the MSI of Firefox.

However, for quite some time now (almost 2 years), we have been facing an issue where some installations are marked as successful (Error code 0), but once the MSI installer is automatically closed, files like "firefox.exe" disappear from the installation directory – despite the installation being marked as successful.

The problem doesn’t always occur, but a repair attempt usually resolves the issue.

In addition to Empirum, we also use Defender for Endpoint, but we couldn’t find any clues there.

Is this problem known, or are we the only ones experiencing it?

Asked by WilliCat 3 days ago

hello.. saya sangat brterima kasih atas khidmat pelanggan Mozilla Firefox.. SOALAN SAYA, Bila Mozilla Firefox ini di cipta? Siapa pencipta browser ini?

Sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Mozilla Firefox, Kerna sangat membantu dan memudahkan saya.. mungkin bukan hanya saya yang merasakn impak teknologi hujung jari ini tapi m… (read more)

Sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Mozilla Firefox, Kerna sangat membantu dan memudahkan saya.. mungkin bukan hanya saya yang merasakn impak teknologi hujung jari ini tapi meliputi semua lapisan pengguna saiber.. Thank you very much'Mozilla Firefox..'

Asked by Jainul George 5 days ago


I don’t know if I have installed this app properly but it should be showing up trackers blocked how many by now installed it 3 days ago. WOULD STILL PLEASE HELP ME OUT AS… (read more)

I don’t know if I have installed this app properly but it should be showing up trackers blocked how many by now installed it 3 days ago. WOULD STILL PLEASE HELP ME OUT ASAP

Asked by MOLLIE 5 days ago