How to install Firefox 4 on Ubuntu 10.10?
Actually I'm totally new to Linux world, and just downloaded it 2 days before and installed along with my XP, it has inbuilt Firefox 3.6.13 (outdated one) so I downloaded the new one on this location which is a tar.bz2 file, Now I want to know how to install this browser.
Please treat me well, I'm new to Linux
All Replies (4)
I've seen, this time too I get confused, where to enter those code?: e.g., bash$ cd ~ bash$ wget http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/.../firefox-<version>.tar.gz etc.
Here comes the answer: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/151381
This is not a solution.
I have exactly the same problem. I have just started trying out Ubuntu 10 from a CD today. When tried to upgrade to FF4 and downloaded the tar.bz2 file it says it's a read only file. After extracting it, there seems to be no application or installation file.