Thunderbird Problem

Thunderbird Problem: For many years I have been using the Thunderbird mail client currently in ver. 128.7.0esr (32 bit) on S.O. Windows 10 Home Update 22H2 (OS Build 1904… (read more)

Thunderbird Problem: For many years I have been using the Thunderbird mail client currently in ver. 128.7.0esr (32 bit) on S.O. Windows 10 Home Update 22H2 (OS Build 19045.5487), 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor. I have a couple of mail accounts, one of mine and one of my wife. My problem is that for a few days now (about 5 or 6 days) on the InBox folder of my account, only mine, I have not been able to compact the folder. When I try to compact it, the response message is always the following: <The Inbox folder on "" cannot be compacted because it is not possible to write to it. Verify that you have enough disk space and have write privileges, then try again> On my disk the available space is 121 Gb on C: where the program with the InBox folders resides and 266 Gb where the data stored in custom folders resides. The write privileges are always the same, never changed, of Administrator. I have already tried the path of "repairing the folder" and re-indexing the folder, but without success. Can someone suggest a remedy, please? Thanks Riccardo ITALIANO Da molti anni uso il client di posta Thunderbird attualmente in ver. 128.7.0esr (32 bit) su S.O. Windows 10 Home Agg. 22H2 (Build sistema operativo 19045.5487), Sistema operativo a 64 bit, processore basato su x64. Ho un paio di account di posta, uno mio e uno di mia moglie. Il mio problema è che da qualche giorno in qua (circa 5 o 6 giorni) sulla cartella InBox del mio account, solo del mio, non riesco ad eseguire la compattazione della cartella. Al tentativo di compattarla il messaggio di risposta è sempre il seguente: <La cartella Posta in arrivo su "nome_mio_account@gmail,com" non può essere compattata in quanto non è possibile scriverci. Verificare di avere spazio su disco sufficiente e avere privilegi di scrittura, quindi riprovare> Sul mio disco lo spazio disponibile è di 121 Gb su C: dove risiede il programma con le cartelle InBox e di 266 Gb dove risiedono i dati archiviati in cartelle personalizzate. I privilegi di scrittura sono sempre quelli, mai cambiati, di Amministratore. Ho già tentato la strada della "riparazione della cartella" e della re-indicizzazione della cartella, ma senza successo. Qualcuno può suggerirmi un rimedio, per favore? Grazie Riccardo

Asked by riccardonarducci 1 day ago

Last reply by riccardonarducci 55 minutes ago

Change the Keyboard Shortcut for Bookmarks Library back to Ctrl-Shift-B

Hi there, Is there a way to change the keyboard shortcut for the Bookmarks Library back to Ctrl-Shift-B? I tried the old solution offered here (config.js / config-prefs… (read more)

Hi there,

Is there a way to change the keyboard shortcut for the Bookmarks Library back to Ctrl-Shift-B?

I tried the old solution offered here (config.js / config-prefs.js), but it no longer seems to work in FF 131:

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Asked by Slouch 2 hours ago

Retention policy, higherarchy, propagation to sub-folders

Hello, I would like to know how the retention policy effects sub-folders. Does the Retention Policy (RP) propagate down to sub-folders? Example: I create a folder in my … (read more)

Hello, I would like to know how the retention policy effects sub-folders. Does the Retention Policy (RP) propagate down to sub-folders?

Example: I create a folder in my EM account, call it folder1. I go into the RP tab and un-check the use global settings and choose never delete EM's. I then create folder2 as a sub-folder of folder1 and create a RP, un-check use global settings and select delete EM's older than "x" days.

Will folder1's RP take president over folder2's RP and never delete EM's or will folder2's RP override folder1's RP and delete EM's older than "x" days according to folder2's RP?

My OS is Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon, Cinnamon Ver. 6.4.6 Thunderbird-Nebula 128.7, 64Bit for Linux Mint-001 - 1.0

Thank you, MA

Asked by M A 1 day ago

Last reply by M A 6 hours ago

Search Settings Not Saving after closing window

Every time I close Mozilla, my settings change from "Show Search Suggestions" on to off. I have no idea why it turns off automatically. Context: I do have Betterfox inst… (read more)

Every time I close Mozilla, my settings change from "Show Search Suggestions" on to off. I have no idea why it turns off automatically.

Context: I do have Betterfox installed which could be causing issues. If it is, what setting could I change?

Asked by lukekanter 16 hours ago


For some reason, it still does not work due to the "Not Active (TRR_PARENTAL_CONTROL)" error. What should I do?

Asked by N A 20 hours ago

Synchro Agenda Thunderbird vers google

Bonjour, Quand on m'envoie une invitation par mail et que je l'accepte il est créé un rendez-vous dans le calendrier "Mon agenda" de thunderbird. Pour que je puisse voir … (read more)

Bonjour, Quand on m'envoie une invitation par mail et que je l'accepte il est créé un rendez-vous dans le calendrier "Mon agenda" de thunderbird. Pour que je puisse voir ces invitation dans google agenda il faudrait que google soit synchronisé avec "Mon agenda" de thunderbird. Je n'arrive pas à le faire. Par avance Merci. Fabrice Jalinier

Asked by fabrice.jalinier 20 hours ago

Prevent Mozilla privacy banner popup in kiosk mode

I'm using Firefox in a kiosk-mode application, on a Raspberry Pi based system, started from a bash script like this: # Clear history etc. to prevent problems if unit is … (read more)

I'm using Firefox in a kiosk-mode application, on a Raspberry Pi based system, started from a bash script like this:

# Clear history etc. to prevent problems if unit is not perfectly shut down rm -v -r /home/pi/.mozilla/firefox/*.default rm -v -r /home/pi/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-esr rm -v -r /home/pi/.cache/mozilla/firefox/*.default rm -v /home/pi/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini

sleep 2

/usr/bin/firefox-esr --kiosk -url

However on booting I get a banner from Mozilla along the top of the screen saying: "Firefox automatically sends some data to Mozilla so that we can improve your experience [Choose what I share]"

This is not acceptable in kiosk mode, as it would give users access to the configuration as well as being a visual annoyance. How can we disable this?

Asked by jonathan.utteridge 22 hours ago

Change bookmarks default location.

Hello, Android 14 and Firefox 135.0. I would like my default bookmarks location to be the "Bookmarks" folder so that I can access them with one tap from my phone. At th… (read more)

Hello, Android 14 and Firefox 135.0. I would like my default bookmarks location to be the "Bookmarks" folder so that I can access them with one tap from my phone. At the moment bookmarks go to "Other bookmark" folder and to access them on phone I need to tap Bookmarks>Desktop Bookmarks>Other Bookmarks.

I have moved a bookmark to bookmark folder hoping FF would remember the new location but it doesn't. How do I change the default location of all my bookmarks from "Other bookmarks" to "Bookmarks". Many thanks for your help.

Asked by mama5405 22 hours ago

default browser

Although I have the mozilla as my default browser , it's not working as my default browser and every page opes by default with Microsoft Edge. Please help me. Thank you … (read more)

Although I have the mozilla as my default browser , it's not working as my default browser and every page opes by default with Microsoft Edge. Please help me. Thank you

Asked by alexandra.markantoni.ext 23 hours ago

Mozilla inbuilt login authentication prompts Issue - buggy login user experience

We are currently considering using Firefox ESR as our default browser but experiencing a few issues and one of them is with our configured SailPoint IdentityIQ Single Sig… (read more)

We are currently considering using Firefox ESR as our default browser but experiencing a few issues and one of them is with our configured SailPoint IdentityIQ Single Sign-On Experience, which uses Basic Authentication.

Issue Description First, the login button needs to be clicked multiple times before access to the site is granted. Once signed in, the Firefox inbuilt authentication dialogue appears, prompting the user to log in again (see the attached screenshot). The landing page is only presented after clicking the login button several times. This creates a poor user experience, sometimes causing pages to load improperly. Interestingly, the same process works seamlessly in Edge Chromium.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken I have already attempted the following: 1. Temporarily disabled all custom and security settings in mozilla.cfg and config.json. 2. Temporarily disabled Firefox Tracking Protection. 3. Allowed third-party cookies for the specific URL. 4. Upgraded Firefox Version to 128.7.0 5. Since our Firefox browser is significantly hardened, I have also enabled and reconfigured the following settings in mozilla.cfg to ensure Basic Authentication is allowed, functions properly, and suppresses Firefox’s authentication prompt, but without success:

network.http.phishy-userpass-length = 255 network.http.use-basic-auth network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-non-fqdn network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris security.enterprise_roots.enabled security.enterprise_roots.enabled

Observations from SailPoint Team Our colleagues from SailPoint have tested the setup in their environment, and according to them, it works as expected. However, their browser is not hardened, and they have leveraged the SailPoint UI for authentication instead of the built-in Firefox authentication prompt.

Further Investigation • Is there a specific configuration required in the user profile settings? • Network trace analysis shows 404 errors on GET requests and the following error codes on POST requests: • 302 Redirect: Mozilla Documentation • 408 Request Timeout: Mozilla Documentation

Next Steps Is there a specific security setting that needs to be enabled or disabled? Are there any particular Firefox enterprise policies we should modify? I have also attached screenshots for reference. Let me know if you need specific logs or network traces for further troubleshooting.

Asked by john-fifi.zuh 1 day ago

Inline JavaScript to hide bookmarks sidebar upon opening new browser instance

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented? … (read more)

Does anybody know which options to use on the command-line start of Firefox such that the only thing displayed is the area within which an HTML page would be presented?

I want to have it start with everything else turned off or hidden, namely

   memu bar
   page tabs bar
   address bar along all add-on buttons
   bookmarks sidebar

The "-kiosk" option is not appropriate for my needs.

-kiosk doesn't hide the sidebar (Bookmarks or not) if that sidebar was visible during last session before exit ... so ... no, "-kiosk" is not a proper implementation of a "page-only" display mode.

"-private-window" gives no benefit, display-wise, over and above what the "-new-window" option provides.

Everything I've read (even on the Mozilla support site) seems to point to creating a special profile for just that mode, and then to modify the "userChrome.css" file with custom properties to ensure the desired "off" setting for the GUI elements. That seems a rather "small-minded" view, ignoring the potential for huge market of self-contained hard-coded applications that would need only use the Firefox rendering engine, and nothing else!

One comment on Reddit indicated that the functionality was there ("-app" option working with XULrunner), but discontinued!

As a test, I did close all my browsers, leaving the bookmark sidebar visible before closing. I then entered:

firefox -kiosk -safe-mode -private-window ${URL}

I still get the bookmark-sidebar visible, with everything else "hidden" or "disabled", because visible sidebar is my default mode for normal browsing.

Is there no command-line startup switch to force that sidebar to "hide", equivalent to clicking on the "X" on the top-right corner?

OR ...

Is there any programmatic way to tell that to hide using JavaScript in the HTML page that is loaded? Everything I seem to locate refer to in-page Elements only, not Browser Elements. :frowning:

But "kiosk"(fullscreen-mode) is not the mode I want, because I want users to be able to have the simplified browser-based HTML App co-exist on the desktop with other windows, like a normal App.

    • Basic HTML test page** *(myHtmlGame.html)* **:**

``` <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>myHtmlGame.html</title> <link href="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

Box A
Box B
Box C
Box D
Box E
<script> {what to I place here } </script> ```

    • Basic Javascript file** (*myHtmlGame_bookmarks.js*) **:**


// REF: var current = this;

var quitObserver = {

  QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
     if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
        return this;
     throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
  observe: function(aSubject,aTopic,aData ) {
     var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
     var sidebar  = mainWindow.document.getElementById("sidebar");
     if (sidebar.contentWindow.location.href == "chrome://daisy/content/sidebar.xul") {
        mainWindow.toggleSidebar('openDaisySidebar', false);


setTimeout(function() {

  var mainWindow = current._windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
  var observerService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);

},2000); ```

I've tried using this alternative content for the JavaScript file, but that also failed (using '*hideSidebarBookmarks()*' call in the in-line script segment):

``` function hideSidebarBookmarks() { const sidebar = document.getElementById("CustomizableUI.AREA_BOOKMARKS") ; sidebar.hide() ; } ```

I even tried replacing the word "document" with "browser" in the above, still with no success. :-(

    • Startup command :**

``` firefox -new-window ./myHtmlGame.html & ```

    • Basic CSS file** *(myHtmlGame_bookmarks.css)* **:**

``` html { font-size: 14px ; font-family: "Liberation Sans", "Aileron", "Archivo", FreeSerif, serif ; line-height: 1.2em ; }

body { display: block ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; color: #FF0000 ;

margin-top: 0 ; margin-right: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 ; margin-left: 0 ; }



.game-grid { display: grid ; grid-template-columns: 300px 300px 60px ; grid-template-rows: 40px 300px 150px ; }

.game-item-1 { grid-column: 1 / span 3 ; grid-row: 1 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-2 { grid-column: 3 / span 1 ; grid-row: 2 / span 2 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-3 { grid-column: 1 / span 2 ; grid-row: 2 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

.game-item-4 { grid-column: 1 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; /* box-sizing: border-box ; */ border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ;

padding-left: 3 em ;

display: block ; color: #FFCF4F ;

word-wrap: break-word ; /* overflow-y: scroll ; overflow-y: auto ; */ overflow-anchor: none ; scrollbar-color: grey-black ; scrollbar-width: thin ; scroll-padding-bottom: 20px ;

/* In case you need to kick off effect immediately, this plus JS */ /* height: 100.001vh ; */ }

.game-item-5 { grid-column: 2 / span 1 ; grid-row: 3 / span 1 ; border: 1px solid #8FCF8F ; background-color: #1F1F1F ; }

div { padding-top: 1 em ; padding-right: 0 ; padding-bottom: 1 em ; padding-left: 0 ; }


The above will display per the attached image.

Asked by EricM 1 day ago

Last reply by EricM 1 day ago