junk filter
Frequently when I click on an email to open, it disappears. I find it in the junk folder. How can I stop this from happening?
All Replies (4)
Is this perhaps a Yahoo account? They are the only provider I know of that randomly moves mail for folders other than the inbox to spam.
No, it is a comcast acct. I think it has to do with Thuderbird. If I go to Xfinity, the email is where it is supposed to be. Thunderbird is moving the email.
By any chance have you got the 'Spam' column header enabled ? If you are selecting an email but accidentally clicking on the greyed out junk icon then you are marking email as junk. It would explain why some emails suddenly go to junk when you click on the email in Message List.
There is a spam icon. I may be hitting that area of the mail list. Thank you. I will pay more attention and see if that is what is happening. It makes sense that that is the issue. User error!