Bankgirot säger tekniska problem när jag vill se inkommna bankgirobetalningar.
Bangirot says technical problems when I want to see my received bankgiro payments. Win10 with Firefox, I can't see payments on that machine for a month soon. I have reinstalled firefox now. Still same result. With Android phone and firefox it works, but without printer. With another browser on Win10 it works, but not with firefox. Swedbank internetbank or bankgirocentralen can't help me. They have not heard of such problems.
Internetbank works, but with their connection to bankgirot it says, tehnical problems. If I login to bankgirot directly, it says tehnical problems.
So far its only the combination with this machine and firefox that gives this result. I haven't tried with another machine yet.
I have used firefox very long time without any problems.
Best regards Arne Danielsson
All Replies (1)
The System Details show that you run a rather old Firefox 88.0 version what might add to your problem.
Is your Linux Distro no longer supported (reached EOL) ?
Try to install the latest 120.0.1 version to see if that version works better.