Předchadne posedźenje zaso wobnowić - waše najnowše rajtarki a wokna zaso pokazać

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  • Wersijowy ID: 104776
  • Wutworjeny:
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  • Komentar: partial translation
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Firefox móže wšě wokna a rajtarki wobnowić, kotrež běchu wočinjene, hdyž je so Firefox njejapcy začini abo skónči. Tutón nastawk wopisuje wobstejnosće, pod kotrymiž Firefox waše předchadne posedźenje wobnowi a kak móžeće to konfigurować.

Pokiw: Posedźenske wobnowjenje wostaja was na websydłach přizjewjeny, pola kotrychž sće do toho přizjewił, prjedy hač sće Firefox začinił. Za dalše informacije hlejće problemy priwatnosće.

Hdyž so posedźenske wobnowjenje wotměwa

Hdyž „Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić“ na standardnej startowej stronje wuběraće

Jeli měještej rajtarki a wokno wočinjene, hdyž sće firefox posledni raz začinił, budźe standardna strona Firefox tłóčatko Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić pokazać. Zo byšće swoje rajtarki a wokna wróćo dóstał, klikńće prosće na nje.
Session Restore - Home - WinSession Restore - Home - MacSession Restore - Home - LinRestore1 29 - WinRestore1 29 - MacRestore1 29 - Lin

Pokiw: Jeli sće někajku druhu stronu jako startowu stronu nastajił, móžeće standardnu startowu stronu wobnowić.

Hdyž Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić z menija Historija wuběraće

Na slědowace wašnje dóstanjeće swoje rajtarki a wokna z předchadneho posedźenja wróćo, jeli standardnu startowu stronu Firefox njewužiwaće:

  • Klikńće horjeka we woknje Firefox na tłóčatko Firefox, dźiće k menijej Historija a wubjerće Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić.Klikńće na menijowej lajsće na meni Historija a wubjerće Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić.Klikńće horjeka we woknje Firefox na meni Historija a wubjerće Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić.Restore Previous Session - Win2
  • Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Wobraz "new fx menu" njeeksistuje. horjeka naprawo na swojej symbolowej lajsće. Wubjerće Historija, zo byšće wuběransku lisćinu wočinił a wubjerće potom Předchadne posedźenje wobnowić.
    Restore2 29 - WinRestore2 29 - MacRestore2 29 - Lin

After installing an add-on

When a new extension or theme is installed, you must restart Firefox to enable the new add-on. To restart, click Restart Now. All windows and tabs are re-opened when Firefox restarts and installs the new add-on.

Restore Previous Session - Win3Session1 29 - WinSession1 29 - MacSession1 29 - Lin

After a software update

To apply any updates to the Firefox application that have been downloaded, you must restart Firefox. To restart, click Restart to UpdateRestart Firefox to Update.

Update Win2 Fx14Update Mac2Update Lin2Update Win2 Fx34

After restarting with add-ons disabled

When you restart with add-ons disabled to troubleshoot Firefox problems, your tabs and windows will be reopened.

After a crash

Due to unexpected issues such as problems with a website, software errors, or an accidental loss of power, Firefox may unexpectedly close. In these situations, Firefox can restore the pages that you were visiting when it is restarted. Firefox will automatically restore your previous session, the first time you launch it after a crash.

If Firefox crashes a second time, the Restore Session (i.e. "Well, this is embarrassing") page will appear when you next launch Firefox.


  • To restore your previous session, select the windows or tabs you want to restore and click Restore.
  • If Firefox continues to experience errors when windows and tabs are re-opened, you can launch Firefox without restoring these items. Click Start New Session.

When you've set Firefox to show your windows and tabs from last time

You can set Firefox to always show your windows and tabs from your previous session each time you start Firefox. To change your Firefox startup settings, see Configuring session restore, below.

Configuring session restore

By default, when Firefox starts, a single window is opened, displaying your specified home page. If you wish, you can configure Firefox to open all windows and tabs from your previous session:

Session2 29 - WinSession2 29 - MacSession2 29 - Lin

General - Show my windows and tabs from last time - 38

  1. Klikńće w menijowej lajsće horjeka na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjerće potom Nastajenja, po wersiji macOS.Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Nastajenja.
  2. Select the General panel.
  3. From the When Firefox starts drop-down, select Show my windows and tabs from last time.
  4. Začińće stronu Nastajenja. Wšě změny, kotrež sće přewjedł, budu so awtomatisce składować.

Privacy issues

Session Restore may keep you logged in to sites that you were logged in to before you closed Firefox. If someone else used your computer after you, they could access your account on these sites. If this is a concern then you should not configure Firefox to open all windows and tabs from your previous session.

You may also wish to disable the Session Restore crash recovery feature which is enabled by default. This will prevent restoring a previous session when Firefox is opened after an unexpected close or software crash:

  1. Zapodajće about:config do adresoweho pola a tłóčće Enter.
    Warnowanska strona móže so jewić. Klikńće na Riziko akceptować a pokročować, zo byšće so na stronu about:config dóstał.
  2. In the Search box at the top, type browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash.
  3. In the resulting grid, double-click on browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash to set it to false.


Previous session not correctly closed

To get your tabs and windows back from a previous session, you should close Firefox from the menu: Klikńće na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Skónčić.Klikńće na meni Firefox horjeka na wobrazowce a wubjerće Firefox skónčić.Klikńće na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Skónčić. If you close each window or tab, only the tabs in the final window that you close are available when you restart Firefox.

Settings may be incorrect

For other session restore problems, you may need to make corrections to your Firefox settings:

  1. Klikńće w menijowej lajsće horjeka na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjerće potom Nastajenja, po wersiji macOS.Klikńće na menijowe tłóčatko Fx89menuButton a wubjerće Nastajenja.
  2. Select the Privacy panel and make sure Firefox will: is set to either Remember history or Use custom settings for history.
    • If Firefox will: is set to Use custom settings for history then make sure that Permanent Private Browsing mode is not selected.
    • If Firefox will: is set to Use custom settings for history and Clear history when Firefox closes is selected, then click the Settings button and make sure that Browsing History is not selected.
  3. Začińće stronu Nastajenja. Wšě změny, kotrež sće přewjedł, budu so awtomatisce składować.

Based on information from Session Restore (mozillaZine KB)