Firefox consistantly crashes when opening specific websites, using lastest version, even happens in safe mode.
Certain websites always crash on opening. Including the one to ask a question on the forum. i have had to use Opera to ask for help. Websites include google maps, courierpost.co.nz, thewarehouse.co.nz.
I have updated to the latest display driver for my laptop, a toshiba techra R850 running Server 2008 R2, with all updates run.
I have the latest version of Firefox.
I have tried running in safe mode (BTW how about warning peeps that this will kill all their existing settings lucky I had synchronise set up)
I cannot get the trouble shooting information as using the Help/Troubleshooting menu also causes Firefox to crash.
Last 5 crashes:
12/01/2016 10:00 a.m.
12/01/2016 9:52 a.m.
12/01/2016 9:45 a.m.
12/01/2016 9:39 a.m.
12/01/2016 8:27 a.m.
This is seriously driving me insane, I have used Firefox for years and this is my last resort. If I cannot resolve this issue I will move permanently to another browser.

All Replies (12)
Hello Sophie, it seems that the crash is fixed in the next stable firefox version 44 (release in 2016-01-26), now(ff 44) it is in beta channel :
thank you
hi SophieF, thanks for reporting with some crash ids - that looks like a particular crash that we ship a workaround for in the upcoming firefox 44 release (scheduled to be released in two weeks time to the general public). if you'd like, you could already download and use firefox 44 beta right now and see if it helps: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/channel/#beta
I have installed version 44.0b7. I opened it and went to google and click maps. Firefox crashed!
could you give us the newly submitted crash report as well?
and in addition, if possible, could you go to the firefox menu ≡ > help ? > troubleshooting information, copy the contents of that page and paste them here into a reply on the forum? this might give us further clues of what is going on...
many thanks!
An gyara
Here are the 3 crashes since my initial post, this included when I tried to open the troubleshooting page and it crashed!
12/01/2016 10:38 a.m.
12/01/2016 10:23 a.m.
12/01/2016 10:08 a.m.
please go into firefox safemode (by pressing the shift-key while firefox is launching). while in safemode, please disable hardware acceleration in the firefox menu ≡ > options > advanced > general (that setting will take a restart of the browser to take effect) and see if firefox is working better afterwards...
An gyara
Opened in safemode and turned off hardware acceleration. restarted Firefox, went to google maps, firefox crashed.
12/01/2016 11:30 a.m.
Related Bugs 1226085 RESOLVED DUPLICATE crash in @0x0 | CContext::ID3D11DeviceContext1_SetSamplers_<T>
1222496 RESOLVED FIXED startup sanity test crash in @0x0 | CContext::ID3D11DeviceContext1_SetSamplers_<T>
igd10umd32.dll = Intel(R) Graphics Technology
If you have problems with current Shockwave Flash plugin versions then check this:
- see if there are updates for your graphics drivers
- disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
- disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/891337 See also:
As stated initially I had already updated the graphics driver to the latest one provided by Toshiba. I disabled the protected mode, restarted firefox, still crashing. I then disabled the flash hardware acceleration, restarted firefox, still crashing. P.S. I do appreciate all the help I am getting, somewhere out there must be the fix for this
I have now got it so that it will work in safe mode but not in normal mode (even with all addins and plugins disabled or uninstalled)
Here is the troubleshooting information {
"application": { "name": "Firefox", "version": "44.0b8", "buildID": "20160111185352", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0", "safeMode": true, "updateChannel": "beta", "supportURL": "https://support.mozilla.org/1/firefox/44.0/WINNT/en-US/", "numTotalWindows": 1, "numRemoteWindows": 0, "remoteAutoStart": false }, "modifiedPreferences": { "accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar": 0, "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run": false, "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max": false, "browser.cache.disk.capacity": 358400, "browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported": 1, "browser.cache.frecency_experiment": 4, "browser.download.importedFromSqlite": true, "browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion": 7, "browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID": "20160111185352", "browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone": "44.0", "browser.startup.homepage": "https://www.google.co.nz", "browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID": "20160111185352", "browser.tabs.warnOnClose": false, "dom.apps.reset-permissions": true, "dom.ipc.plugins.flash.disable-protected-mode": true, "dom.mozApps.used": true, "extensions.lastAppVersion": "44.0", "gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.appVersion": "44.0", "gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d3d11": true, "gfx.direct2d.disabled": true, "gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d2d": true, "gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.driverVersion": "", "gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.deviceID": "0x0126", "gfx.crash-guard.status.d3d11layers": 2, "layers.acceleration.disabled": true, "media.gmp-eme-adobe.lastUpdate": 1452548352, "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version": "1.5.3", "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate": 1452548353, "media.gmp-eme-adobe.abi": "x86-msvc-x64", "media.hardware-video-decoding.failed": false, "media.gmp-eme-adobe.version": "15", "media.youtube-ua.override": false, "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.abi": "x86-msvc-x64", "media.gmp-manager.buildID": "20160111185352", "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled": false, "media.gmp-manager.lastCheck": 1452641887, "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.autoupdate": false, "media.gmp-eme-adobe.enabled": false, "media.gmp-eme-adobe.autoupdate": false, "network.cookie.prefsMigrated": true, "network.predictor.cleaned-up": true, "places.database.lastMaintenance": 1452564268, "places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages": 104858, "plugin.state.npvlc": 0, "plugin.importedState": true, "plugin.state.npctrl": 0, "plugin.state.npauthz": 0, "plugin.state.npspwrap": 0, "plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types": "application/pdf", "plugin.state.flash": 0, "plugin.state.npappdetector": 0, "privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords": false, "privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs": true, "privacy.sanitize.migrateClearSavedPwdsOnExit": true, "storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite": 1452564268, "storage.vacuum.last.index": 0 }, "lockedPreferences": {}, "graphics": { "numTotalWindows": 1, "numAcceleratedWindows": 0, "windowLayerManagerType": "Basic", "windowLayerManagerRemote": true, "supportsHardwareH264": "No; Hardware video decoding disabled or blacklisted", "numAcceleratedWindowsMessage": [ "" ], "adapterDescription": "Intel(R) HD Graphics Family", "adapterVendorID": "0x8086", "adapterDeviceID": "0x0126", "adapterSubsysID": "00031179", "adapterRAM": "Unknown", "adapterDrivers": "igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumdx32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32", "driverVersion": "", "driverDate": "8-31-2011", "adapterDescription2": "", "adapterVendorID2": "", "adapterDeviceID2": "", "adapterSubsysID2": "", "adapterRAM2": "", "adapterDrivers2": "", "driverVersion2": "", "driverDate2": "", "isGPU2Active": false, "direct2DEnabled": false, "directWriteEnabled": false, "directWriteVersion": "6.2.9200.17568", "direct2DEnabledMessage": [ "" ], "webglRendererMessage": [ "" ], "info": { "AzureCanvasBackend": "skia", "AzureSkiaAccelerated": 0, "AzureFallbackCanvasBackend": "cairo", "AzureContentBackend": "cairo" } }, "javaScript": { "incrementalGCEnabled": true }, "accessibility": { "isActive": false, "forceDisabled": 0 }, "libraryVersions": { "NSPR": { "minVersion": "4.11", "version": "4.11" }, "NSS": { "minVersion": "3.21 Basic ECC", "version": "3.21 Basic ECC" }, "NSSUTIL": { "minVersion": "3.21", "version": "3.21" }, "NSSSSL": { "minVersion": "3.21 Basic ECC", "version": "3.21 Basic ECC" }, "NSSSMIME": { "minVersion": "3.21 Basic ECC", "version": "3.21 Basic ECC" } }, "userJS": { "exists": false }, "crashes": { "submitted": [ { "id": "bp-4b9014eb-fc50-485b-a15c-6106b2160113", "date": 1452653090765, "pending": false }, { "id": "bp-673fe5ec-df98-44cf-bc47-441912160113
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Boot the computer in Windows Safe Mode with network support (press F8 on the boot screen) to see if that helps.
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/how-to-start-windows-in-safe-mode/
- http://www.7tutorials.com/4-ways-boot-safe-mode-windows-10
Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problem.
See "Creating a profile":
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles
- http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox#Profile_issues
If the new profile works then you can transfer files from a previously used profile to the new profile, but be cautious not to copy corrupted files to avoid carrying over problems.
Booted in safe mode, was able to load google maps page (this is what I have been testing on)
Rebooted. Created new profile in Firefox. Crashed when loading Google maps.
I have uninstalled every piece of software installed in last 6 months. Uninstalled and reinstalled flash, tried disabling or removing every addon in Firefox to no effect.
I'm about ready to give upon Firefox now :(