Test Pilot

This article is no longer maintained, so its content might be out of date.

The Firefox Test Pilot program ended on January 22, 2019. This article contains outdated content and is no longer being maintained.

Firefox Test Pilot is flying off into the sunset on January 22nd, 2019. Currently active experiments will remain installed for all users, and will be available on addons.mozilla.org after this date. Non-extension experiments like Firefox Lockwise and Firefox Send will continue in active development as standalone products.

What's Happening?

First thing’s first: if you are using any currently active add-on experiment, you can keep using it. Nothing’s going to change in your browser, we’ll just automatically migrate you off of the Test Pilot versions of the add-ons.

Firefox Send and Firefox Lockwise will continue in active development in 2019 as standalone products. Notes, Firefox Color, Side View, Price Wise, and Email Tabs will all remain available at addons.mozilla.org for the foreseeable future. Email Tabs in particular may undergo some changes to make it more flexible and less directly connected to Gmail; otherwise, these projects will be accessible in their current forms with occasional maintenance releases going forward.

As for the Test Pilot site and add-on, we are replacing the site with a farewell message on January 22nd. Visiting the site after this date will automatically uninstall the Test Pilot add-on, but you can also just uninstall it manually if you wish whenever you like without affecting installed experiments.

Leave Test Pilot

You can leave all experiments and uninstall Test Pilot before January 22nd if you'd like. Click the … icon at the top right corner of the Test Pilot home page or any experiment page and then click Leave Test Pilot. Test Pilot menu
You’ll see a message asking you to confirm. Click “Proceed” to leave Test Pilot. This will disable all of your active experiments.

Your privacy

We believe in transparency. You can read the full Test Pilot Privacy Policy to understand what data Test Pilot collects and how it is used.

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