Send text or multimedia messages from Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Slědny raz zaktualizěrowany: 76% wužywarjow jo měło to za wužytne
Dotychměst njejo něchten pomagał, toś ten nastawk pśełožowaś. Jolic južo wěsćo, kak pśełožujo se na SUMO, zachopśo ned pśełožowaś. Jolic cośo wuknuś, kak móžośo nastawki za SUMO pśełožowaś, zachopśo pšosym how.

Firefox for Android supports sending text (SMS) or multimedia (MMS) messages directly from the web pages that offer it.

  1. Tap on the SMS or MMS link (usually a phone number) on the web page to launch the messaging app.
  2. If you're using this feature for the first time, a prompt will ask you to choose an app. Choose your phone's messaging app, which for most devices is Messenger or Hangouts.
  3. Your messaging app will open and automatically fill in the number and message that was on the web page.
  4. Edit as needed and tap Send.

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