Full screen browsing on Android

Toś ten nastawk wěcej se njewótwardujo, jogo wopśimjeśe by mógło pótakem zestarjony byś.

This article is for an old version of Firefox for Android that's no longer supported. Please update to the latest version to get the most up-to-date features and fixes.

On longer web pages, the title bar (which includes the open tab counter) automatically hides itself. To access it again, pull down.

Slědujuce wjelicne luźe su pomogli, toś ten nastawk pisaś:

Illustration of hands


Rosćo a źělśo swóju kompetencu z drugimi. Wótegrońśo na pšašanja a pólěpšćo našu wědowu datowu banku.

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