Back button and forward button skip pages
I have an intermittent problem with the back and forward buttons skipping pages. My home page is a blank page. From the home page I select the YouTube bookmark. I intend to right click on a video and select Open Link in New Window, but sometimes my touchpad doesn't see it as a right click and opens the video. When the video is done if I click on the back button, the browser takes me to the home page (blank) instead of the first YouTube page. If I then click on the forward button, YouTube loads a new page of videos to watch. There is no way to get back to the original first YouTube page which is annoying if there was something else I wanted to watch. I've had this happen with other sites as well. I originally thought this was a Firefox issue but now am wondering if my touchpad is interpreting the click on the back button as two clicks and causing it to go back two pages. Is this possible?