Kak funkcioněrujo zatwarjony šćit pśed wopytami wobšuźenja a škódnymi programami?

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  • Wersijowy ID: 113891
  • Napórany:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial translation
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Firefox wobpśimujo zatwarjony šćit pśed wopytami wobšuźenja a škódnymi programami, aby wy online wěsty wóstał. Toś te funkcije budu was warnowaś, gaž bok, ku kótaremuž se woglědujośo, jo se ako websfalšowanka serioznego sedła k wěsći dał (wótergi boki „phishing“ pomjenjone), ako žrědło njewitaneje softwary abo jako škódne sedło, kótarež jo za to myslone, wašo licadło wobškóźiś, z tym, až instalěrujo škódne programy. Toś ta funkcija teke was warnujo, jolic ześěgujośo dataje, kótarež wopokazuju se ako škódny program.

Co su wospyty wobšuźenja („phishing“), škódne sedła, njewitana softwara a škódne programy?

Internetne wopyty wobšuźenja (teke ako „phishing“ znate)

To jo forma kšadnjenja identity, pśi kótarejž złosne websedło imitěrujo seriozne websedło, aby was zawjedowało, dowěrliwe informacije ako na pśikład gronidła, kontowe daty abo numery kreditnych kórtow zapódaś. Take wopyty wobšuźenja pśidu zwětšego z mejlkami, aby dostawarjeju zawjedowali, aby swóje wósobinske daty na sfalšowanych websedłach aktualizěrował, kótarež pak wuglěduju, ako by njesfalšowane byli. Dalšne informacije wó „phishing“ a jogo metodach namakajośo na boku Wikipedije „Phishing“.

Škódne sedła

Škódne sedła su websedła, kótarež wopytuju, wašo licadło ze škódnymi programami inficěrowaś, gaž woglědujośo se k toś tym sedłam. Toś te napady daju se cesto śěžko namakaś; samo sedło, kótarež jo pó zdaśu wěste, wopytujo snaź was napadowaś. Wótergi samo wobsejźaŕ websedła njewě, až jogo sedło jo škódne sedło.

Škódne programy

Škodne programy su programy, kótarež su za to myslone, wašo licadło bźez wašogo wěźenja inficěrowaś. Škódne programy se cesto wužywaju, aby wósobinske daty kšadnuli, cejkowu e-mejl (spam) pósłali abo druge škódne programy rozšyrili.

Móžośo pla StopBadware, za wše wužytneje organizacije, kótaraž źěł z partnarjami ako Mozilla gromaźe, aby wužywarje pśed škódnymi programami a drugimi tšašnymi programami šćitał, wěcej wó škódnych programach a škódnych sedłach zgóniś.

Unwanted Software

Unwanted Software sites are websites that try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit). You can learn more about such software on the Google Unwanted Software Policy.

How does Phishing and Malware Protection work in Firefox?

Phishing and Malware Protection works by checking the sites that you visit against lists of reported phishing, unwanted software and malware sites. These lists are automatically downloaded and updated every 30 minutes or so when the Phishing and Malware Protection features are enabled. The technical details of the safe-browsing protocol are also publicly available.

When you download an application file, Firefox checks the site hosting it against a list of sites known to contain “malware”. If the site is found on that list, Firefox blocks the file immediately, otherwise it asks Google’s Safe Browsing service if the software is safe by sending it some of the download’s metadata.*

* Windows users: This online check will only be performed in Firefox on Windows for those downloaded files that don’t have a known good publisher. Most of the common and safe software for Windows is signed and so this final check won’t always need to happen.

How do I use the Phishing and Malware Protection features?

These features are turned on by default so, unless your security settings have been changed, you are likely already using them. Phishing and Malware Protection optionspreferences can be found on the Security panel:

  1. Klikniśo w menijowej rědce górjejce na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx57Menu a wubjeŕśo NastajenjaNastajenja.Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja.

  2. Click on the Security panel.
  3. Put a check mark next to the following settings to activate them:
    • Block reported attack sites - this setting protects you from malware sites and files as well as unwanted software.
    • Block reported web forgeries - this setting warns you against fraudulent websites that trick you into giving them your personal and financial information.
    win protectionmac protectionSecurity - Block report attack sites and web forgeries - 38
  4. Pśedłoga "closeoptionspreferences" njeeksistěrujo abo njama pśizwólonu wersiju.

To turn these features off, follow the preceding steps to return to the Security panel and remove the check marks next to Block reported attack sites and Block reported web forgeries. Then click the OK button to save the settings.Close the about:preferences page.

To see if Phishing Protection is active, visit our phishing test site. Likewise, you can visit our malware test site to confirm that Firefox is blocking Attack Sites as well as our unwanted software test site. With Phishing and Malware Protection turned on, bothall these sites should be blocked from loading.

What happens when a page or file is blocked?

Firefox will block the page from loading and display a Reported Web Forgery warning for phishing sites, Reported Unwanted Software Page for unwanted software sites and Reported Attack Page for malware sites.

If you download malware or spyware, Firefox displays a message on the Downloads panel.

malware warning

What information is sent to Mozilla or its partners when Phishing and Malware Protection are enabled?

There are two times when Firefox will communicate with Mozilla’s partners while using Phishing and Malware Protection for sites. The first is during the regular updates to the lists of reporting phishing and malware sites. No information about you or the sites you visit is communicated during list updates. The second is in the event that you encounter a reported phishing or malware site. Before blocking the site, Firefox will request a double-check to ensure that the reported site has not been removed from the list since your last update. This request does not include the address of the visited site, it only contains partial information derived from the address. In both cases, existing cookies you have from google.com, our list provider, may also be sent.

In addition to the regular list updates mentioned above, when using Malware Protection to protect downloaded files, Firefox may communicate with Mozilla's partners to verify the safety of certain executable files. In these cases, Firefox will submit some information about the file, including the name, origin, size and a cryptographic hash of the contents, to the Google Safe Browsing service which helps Firefox determine whether or not the file should be blocked.

The Mozilla Privacy Policy describes what data Firefox and Mozilla each receive and how it's handled. The Google Privacy Policy explains how Google handles collected data.

I’ve confirmed that my site is safe, how do I get it removed from the lists?

If you own a site that was attacked and you have since repaired it, or if you feel that your site was reported in error, you can request that it be removed from the lists. We encourage site owners to investigate any such report thoroughly, though; a site can often be turned into an attack site without any visible change.