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Thunderbird 102.9.0 - moving/saving files

Windows 10 Have FOLDERS pane; some have subfolders. For some reason -- which has never happened before -- copying messages from INBOX or SENT and pasting into one of th… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Windows 10

Have FOLDERS pane; some have subfolders.

For some reason -- which has never happened before -- copying messages from INBOX or SENT and pasting into one of the subfolders, T'Bird has decided to make all of those messages "subfolder subfolders" (best I can call it, what with the graphic below); i.e., the first message moved over looks fine, but then the subsequent messages all suddenly are listed in this stairstep business.

No. I want each, individual email that I move from INBOX or SENT to remain individual, not chain-linked or whatever it's called.

Why did it decide to do this? How to fix?

Appreciated - Thank you.

Gefragt von Hikermann vor 1 Jahr

Letzte Antwort von Toad-Hall vor 1 Jahr

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Email Account Setup

I own my domain and Ipower hosts the domain. I have Windows live email and need to migrate to Thunderbird email. My POP3: SMPT: ma… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I own my domain and Ipower hosts the domain. I have Windows live email and need to migrate to Thunderbird email.

My POP3: SMPT: This doesn't work in Thunder bird. Everything I have tried just does not work.

Anybody have any ideas of how I can set Thunder bird account?

Gefragt von michael566 vor 1 Jahr

Beantwortet von Toad-Hall vor 1 Jahr

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Retrieve deleted account

My name is Jim Grant and I currently have a Thunderbird account, for I recently deleted a previous Thunderbird account, for sales@stainlesscable.c… (Lesen Sie mehr)

My name is Jim Grant and I currently have a Thunderbird account, for I recently deleted a previous Thunderbird account, for, and I now find that there were emails saved in a sub-folder (CLIFF HOUSE) of Inbox of that account, that I now need. Is it possible to retrieve this account, or even just the sub-folder ? Thanks,

Gefragt von Jim vor 1 Jahr

Letzte Antwort von Toad-Hall vor 1 Jahr