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indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand

indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin… (Lesen Sie mehr)

indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand

Gefragt von labayep680 vor 35 Sekunden

Beantwortet von labayep680 vor 13 Sekunden

  • Gelöst

indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand

indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin… (Lesen Sie mehr)

indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand indwin7 game customer care helpline number @#@9800478795£?!call: fully understand fhg

Gefragt von labayep680 vor 1 Minute

Beantwortet von labayep680 vor 1 Minute


I'm running fedora open access software 64 bit. when I hit download firefox the computer runs it and it seems like it does it but I can't find it in downloads and it basi… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I'm running fedora open access software 64 bit. when I hit download firefox the computer runs it and it seems like it does it but I can't find it in downloads and it basically doesn't complete. What to do?

Gefragt von atomsondc vor 16 Minuten

weather widget moved to right side

Can you either move the weather widget back to the left side or maybe instead of just changing things to change them let people put it where they want it? My eyes go to t… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Can you either move the weather widget back to the left side or maybe instead of just changing things to change them let people put it where they want it? My eyes go to the left when i open a new tab and it was a lot nicer on the left side. Now its on the right and it actually makes no sense to me why it was moved so move it back or give people the choice to have it where they want it.

Gefragt von Gutsman52 vor 30 Minuten

Continuous mouse scolling / frictionless mouse wheel

With normal mice, when you scroll you typically scoll in steps which you feel as the mouse wheel feedback. The issue here is with high resolution scroll wheels, whether … (Lesen Sie mehr)

With normal mice, when you scroll you typically scoll in steps which you feel as the mouse wheel feedback.

The issue here is with high resolution scroll wheels, whether that is a knob or a "frictionless" mouse wheel like on higher end logitech mice.

What happens: You slowly rotate the scroll wheel while nothing is happens in firefox, then you get to a certain point and firefox scolls one step, then you continue to slowly rotate the wheel, and eventually firefox scrolls another step.

What should happen: It continuously scolls as you rotate the wheel. This works in chromium browsers and other chromium based apps like discord, steam, etc, it also works in kde settings app, dolphin, okular, etc. But not firefox. It even works in terminal.

Both firefox and thunderbird are like this.

Is there a way to get this working or is it simply not supported in firefox? If so then feature request: get high res scoll wheels to work

Gefragt von Quertz vor 1 Tag

Letzte Antwort von Quertz vor 30 Minuten

Can not play YouTube videos anymore

Hello, Can not play YouTube videos anymore in current version from Firefox. Before this update (again not needed and messy one) they worked. The videos shown at home s… (Lesen Sie mehr)


Can not play YouTube videos anymore in current version from Firefox. Before this update (again not needed and messy one) they worked. The videos shown at home screen or recommendations on the YouTube website. Same for my subscriptions, current videos as videos I played earlier somewhere. The YouTube website shows their picture and then the "no content available" message. Refreshing that page and try sometime later, both do not solve this. Unknown why this is happen. It seems another "new" bug inside Firefox.

Gefragt von Rapha-L Pherdiux vor 1 Monat

Letzte Antwort von Rapha-L Pherdiux vor 35 Minuten

Firefox 133 F11 + video full screen bug

Hi, I installed Debian 12 on my laptop. I'm using Firefox 133.0.3 from Flatpak. When the browser is in full screen and I display a video in full screen mode, strangely, … (Lesen Sie mehr)


I installed Debian 12 on my laptop. I'm using Firefox 133.0.3 from Flatpak. When the browser is in full screen and I display a video in full screen mode, strangely, the video is not in full screen... It's on the top left corner and the rest of the page is in violet. I tested on different site, loading a local video and the issue is the same. I can't reproduce the issue on my desktop computer on Windows. When the browser is not in full screen (F11) and I put the video in full screen mode, there is no issue... I attached a screenshot of the situation.

Have you ever encountered this kind of issue? How to resolve it?


Gefragt von lyamine vor 1 Tag

Letzte Antwort von lyamine vor 1 Tag

website preferences

Starting 3 days ago, firefox no longer saves my website preferences. I have tried everything I can find to stop this from happening. Suggestion please? The site I am e… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Starting 3 days ago, firefox no longer saves my website preferences. I have tried everything I can find to stop this from happening. Suggestion please? The site I am experiencing this on is Griddlers.net. Every time I bring up a puzzle on their site, I have to reset preferences. These preferences used to be saved from day to day.

Thank you for any response.

Gefragt von carol_e_wyble vor 1 Tag

SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER certificate error

Hi, I saw some forums and even google is blocked and i have this problems. I paste here the problem but my browser is en french: 'Connexion bloquée : problème de … (Lesen Sie mehr)


I saw some forums and even google is blocked and i have this problems. I paste here the problem but my browser is en french:

'Connexion bloquée : problème de sécurité potentiel

Firefox a détecté une menace potentielle de sécurité et a interrompu le chargement de pasarela.clave.gob.es, car ce site web nécessite une connexion sécurisée.

Que pouvez-vous faire ?

pasarela.clave.gob.es a recours à une stratégie de sécurité HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), une connexion sécurisée est obligatoire pour y accéder. Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter d’exception pour visiter ce site.

Le problème vient probablement du site web, donc vous ne pouvez pas y remédier.

Si vous naviguez sur un réseau d’entreprise ou si vous utilisez un antivirus, vous pouvez contacter les équipes d’assistance pour obtenir de l’aide. Vous pouvez également signaler le problème aux personnes qui administrent le site web.'

Any ideas ? how is possible that this website is giving me error? is a government one. Is something wrong with the certificate ?


L’autorité de délivrance du certificat du pair n’est pas reconnue.

HTTP Strict Transport Security : false HTTP Public Key Pinning : false

Chaîne de certificat :




MIIG1jCCBL6gAwIBAgIQNMarBE42mRJRyCULbJTWwDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA7 MQswCQYDVQQGEwJFUzERMA8GA1UECgwIRk5NVC1SQ00xGTAXBgNVBAsMEEFDIFJB SVogRk5NVC1SQ00wHhcNMTMwNjI0MTA1MjU5WhcNMjgwNjI0MTA1MjU5WjBHMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJFUzERMA8GA1UECgwIRk5NVC1SQ00xJTAjBgNVBAsMHEFDIENvbXBv bmVudGVzIEluZm9ybcOhdGljb3MwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEK AoIBAQCXVx8rdbF7/xY44CaSqzzGo5BhvzA8knxC/3KJYVzTf+CkOvMxMUDub8b0 h38MDujm/RKZhBNOWbKhxF3U61ZVhcR9xOCciuS/soT80m3BByxAKcZsNka0jCA4 XRkglDaAFxCHEZ06MOnvXsSOZDfPYahbQ3VFCVycJuhlHdAwSpmceQwcRYkR6YgX wTiyzCNGivMKAmRS3dItqDOmDW/nxiDFq/Jd8VWY7GFkwbbAeqYId8FjN8zfvafu nsB9SLFkUjPPMeqfmC7Bdh7HMxLpaOXROwH201cmlebiPkn0xSFxXFqwhhr6yN8U QYZ3O/+xdHLrS6DS9+CJUF6d09ijAgMBAAGjggLIMIICxDASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAG AQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUGfhYLxTWpsybBJgIDUzX qwCng2UwgZgGCCsGAQUFBwEBBIGLMIGIMEkGCCsGAQUFBzABhj1odHRwOi8vb2Nz cGZubXRyY21jYS5jZXJ0LmZubXQuZXMvb2NzcGZubXRyY21jYS9PY3NwUmVzcG9u ZGVyMDsGCCsGAQUFBzAChi9odHRwOi8vd3d3LmNlcnQuZm5tdC5lcy9jZXJ0cy9B Q1JBSVpGTk1UUkNNLmNydDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT3fcX9xOiaG3dkp/UdoMy/h2Ca bTCB6wYDVR0gBIHjMIHgMIHdBgRVHSAAMIHUMCkGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh1odHRwOi8v d3d3LmNlcnQuZm5tdC5lcy9kcGNzLzCBpgYIKwYBBQUHAgIwgZkMgZZTdWpldG8g YSBsYXMgY29uZGljaW9uZXMgZGUgdXNvIGV4cHVlc3RhcyBlbiBsYSBEZWNsYXJh Y2nDs24gZGUgUHLDoWN0aWNhcyBkZSBDZXJ0aWZpY2FjacOzbiBkZSBsYSBGTk1U LVJDTSAoIEMvIEpvcmdlIEp1YW4sIDEwNi0yODAwOS1NYWRyaWQtRXNwYcOxYSkw gdQGA1UdHwSBzDCByTCBxqCBw6CBwIaBkGxkYXA6Ly9sZGFwZm5tdC5jZXJ0LmZu bXQuZXMvQ049Q1JMLE9VPUFDJTIwUkFJWiUyMEZOTVQtUkNNLE89Rk5NVC1SQ00s Qz1FUz9hdXRob3JpdHlSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdDtiaW5hcnk/YmFzZT9vYmplY3Rj bGFzcz1jUkxEaXN0cmlidXRpb25Qb2ludIYraHR0cDovL3d3dy5jZXJ0LmZubXQu ZXMvY3Jscy9BUkxGTk1UUkNNLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAgEAo2bsQ2xL Dcyodieqjd+uy/lfxDw/MbrAq/ZaNFkIlcypUYamOM4vrm5rz8oLjPCoLkJ48P+n P08Gkcl5Q6q6VFcZLia+U3gfHXrkyqToQlrtViGCGH3xA4u56XtMHGXSdk9vQ0yD nW5f7bUEkp+uvcKewrOvNcpbIAgD4eU7gdOS0w7BagcFRBgTKBw2s3z73fRZtouJ g/atmWYtXbBsfNjph+pCh+h5sbSyZUVzO5AemyjpYYYNMWDQrTXq+7O8zIPuPaNE SjEexuzn+VjHG90RlUK1LygARi+Ir0opD2w6erb/hK8Eea7MFdKQ2ASqNBGJggNo 5vfPVvjHiL+Antmh7mQSKL+4YwFU64d4KK9k0C1mbJethDQFKcjTK1vMvnXFiups IuyTqwKauo7u2zMKzY4r3VYOW9TpMyLPFIY8pII5GyNzXlL0F4nscOvduTEPEYqx eNJfpDDPY/DO8WfxgdRTy2W3D/UoAulb+Y+nuzGGCtFQrsSMQX487R+aY0nWot/h ajef6BcPuxhDfQrg5IafrISVmcJAplb3tXhh0sz7RbYz6jf1bke4eU5fnrTMtGlV teUL2vjrfUPHW07kBJuaQ7sxORNV3bpHisOnHj+AriQzCn5vINpSHW6hTm7IfRkb ltu/aQrsMuUhP7HE/v+uXe5CuboV5ubZhHU=


Gefragt von Anita vor 1 Tag

Letzte Antwort von cor-el vor 1 Tag

how to stop firefox popups from saying an extension has changed the page

bold text How to stop firefox from continually making popups saying an extension has changed the page. It is so annoying in regard to Tabliss which changes every new page… (Lesen Sie mehr)

bold text How to stop firefox from continually making popups saying an extension has changed the page. It is so annoying in regard to Tabliss which changes every new page photo. Its ridiculous that firefox does this & so annoying that firefox is not respecting my block popups rules. Its only started about a week or two ago & it is happening every time i change pages. Its intrusive and annoying that firefox has no regard for what i want on my computer.

Gefragt von dogtreatsales vor 1 Stunde

Unable to sign in to Mozilla account for Firefox Sync.

I'm trying to log into this page: https://accounts.firefox.com The sign up or sign in button doesn't work. The first time I click it, it immediately refreshes. I click a… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I'm trying to log into this page: https://accounts.firefox.com

The sign up or sign in button doesn't work. The first time I click it, it immediately refreshes. I click again and nothing. On the 3rd click, it just spins for 30 seconds then goes back to being blue. This continues every time I attempt to click further.

I can login on this page just fine using Firefox on my android phone. I can also login using the Edge browser. Matter of fact, I had to use Edge so I could post this issue.

This is a completely fresh install of Firefox, on a completely fresh install of Windows.

Gefragt von hdonnell78 vor 22 Stunden

Letzte Antwort von hdonnell78 vor 1 Stunde

Picture-in-Picture (built-in) not working.

Using: Firefox v132.0.2 (64-bit) for Linux (Arch Linux) Picture-in-Picture (built-in) not working correctly. Consider attached image e.g., the video is visible, but I ca… (Lesen Sie mehr)

Using: Firefox v132.0.2 (64-bit) for Linux (Arch Linux)

Picture-in-Picture (built-in) not working correctly. Consider attached image e.g., the video is visible, but I can't really use the any of the other tabs visible here. What I noted: I can scroll the other tab/window using mouse wheel when the Picture-in-Picture is in focus, but as soon as I click on any of the other tabs/window, the video goes to background, and hence becomes "invisible".

Gefragt von plabanroy69 vor 2 Tagen

Letzte Antwort von plabanroy69 vor 1 Stunde

I continue to lose my shortcuts. Then they return. What is going on?

I have four rows of shortcuts on my default browser window. Sometimes the disappear but they always return a few days later. What could cause such occurrence? Thank you… (Lesen Sie mehr)

I have four rows of shortcuts on my default browser window. Sometimes the disappear but they always return a few days later. What could cause such occurrence?

Thank you!

Gefragt von eltonintransit vor 11 Stunden