Change background color of page during loading
I want to change the background color that Firefox Quantum defaults to when loading a page.
The background is white when a page is being loaded or a new tab is open (before the content of the new tab loads).
I tried editing "browser.display.background_color" in about:config and all this does is change a temporary color of a new tab, but only after flashing the white background first.
So if I open a new tab I get a flash of white, then the browser.display.background_color then my new tab page loads. If I open a website in a new tab the page stays white until the content loads in.
I tried using the addon NoSquint Plus, but that didn't work.
I don't see why the Firefox Quantum Dark theme doesn't do this already? Why have a default dark theme which doesn't apply to 95% of the screen space during loading?
Can I do anything to fix this or am I stuck closing my eyes during page loading?