I am searching for a cell phone and I am getting a message regarding cookies on the t-mobile website
Cookies Required! Cookies are not enabled in browser
We're trying! However, there was a problem setting your location.
It appears that your browser is not set up to accept cookies. T-Mobile.com utilizes cookies to help us track location information to provide the most accurate information to our customers. Without the use of cookies, we can't provide this service to you online.
Cookies Required!
Cookies are not enabled in browser
We're trying! However, there was a problem setting your location.
It appears that your browser is not set up to accept cookies. T-Mobile.com utilizes cookies to help us track location information to provide the most accurate information to our customers. Without the use of cookies, we can't provide this service to you online.
All Replies (1)
Have you disabled cookies?
Tools > Options > Privacy > Use custom settings Check Accept cookies & exceptions
If that's set to accept cookies then the website is probably in error