Having Trouble opening a full page of website
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble opening the website https://learnaboutcat.com/. Every time I try to load a full page, an article, or a category, it simply doesn't work. I'm not sure what caused this issue, but I'm eager to find a solution as soon as possible. Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. It would be really helpful if you could try opening a website, click on any category or article, and let me know if you encounter the same problem. Any suggestions or solutions you can provide will be highly valuable. Thanks a bunch!
All Replies (1)
You need to provide examples of the issue. We cannot help with something we cannot see. I open the site and see no issues. see screenshot What version of Firefox are you running? Did you try with Firefox in Safe Mode? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/diagnose-firefox-issues-using-troubleshoot-mode