Ads are opening in my website, however I don't have any ad installed on website
Here is my website : https://profilehaircentre.in/
Whenever I am opening this website on mobile app random ads are opening don't know how I haven't installed any ads on my website. Is there a solution?
Is it a problem with my mobile device or my website?
Ads open whenever I Click anywhere on my website.
Here is my website : https://profilehaircentre.in/
Whenever I am opening this website on mobile app random ads are opening don't know how I haven't installed any ads on my website. Is there a solution?
Is it a problem with my mobile device or my website?
Ads open whenever I Click anywhere on my website.
All Replies (1)
I have tried opening your website in both a desktop copy of Firefox and in Firefox or Android and I am not seeing an pop up adverts. Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing and attach it in a response to this thread?