Signed in to help cant get in to comment on the new mozilla
I wanted to give Pros and Cons of the way you are building the new Mozilla. Con 1. when I get on I can not see those site I use nearly every day even using the I spend a lot of time not remembering the name of the sites. 2. when I am using the page on a site I tend to move across the page while reading and i constantly have the left column popping open and it is very frustrating. by the way I am right handed. 3. when I use the left tab I have to go in and put the sites I use most in so I can work easily This is frustrating. 4. Clicking on the page that gives me some of the info is not easily available. I wanted to easily see the page and it should be my first page. It does not give me ease of access to my main sites. I had 8-10 sites I could click on before and go right to work. Now I can't. Again Frustrating.
Possible FIX: What could help is to put the + to the left of the address and not have the column unless we click on the + then - to close the column. This would make what it less frustrating for elders, which I am an elder, but I also taught teachers and students how to use internet and MS Word and more since it conception.
The way you have it set you will lose a lot of users. I have used foxfire over IE and I rarely us Chrome. I have thought of not using FireFox since I started helping you. Today was a frustration because I couldn't find where to get in touch with you.
Pros 1. I liked the way the old tabs worked. I learned it quickly and keep with it I wish I still had that browser experience. I had the 8-10 sittes I work on and The favorites could find others. But I like some of that page you get when you add the tab to the left. 2. Like right now I was checking on the column and you added private browse button. I can't figure out how to get out of it. and yet I cant pin anything.
Right now, things are extremely frustration. When you actually change over I hope you will give a walk through of all the changes. Tks for listening.
Carolyn Ward
All Replies (1)
Many of us are using; Classic Theme Restorer (Customize Australis) {web link} Restore squared tabs, appmenu, add-ons bar, small button view and more on Australis UI (Windows/MacOSX/Linux + Fx 29+).
This will restore many of the things the last upgrades took away.
http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2827985 Classic Theme Restorer - Discussion Thread (v2)
Once installed, you can move just about anything on the tool bars.
Type about:customizing<enter> in the address bar. In the new window, look for the icon. When you find it, hold down the left button on it, and move it to where you want it to be. You can move any of the icons you want from here, but some icons are locked in place.
There is also a Restore Defaults button at the bottom middle.