Through the years (been using FF since its first months) on various computers, various OS and FF versions, I've kept a bunch of bookmarks in my toolbar for frequently use… (閱讀更多)
Through the years (been using FF since its first months) on various computers, various OS and FF versions, I've kept a bunch of bookmarks in my toolbar for frequently used links that I can QUICKLY "right-click, copy link, paste" (3 steps) into social media posts.
Tonight I opened up my bookmark contextual menu, hit copy, pasted it into my Twitter, and it pasted the title instead of the link!!
How useless is that! A title is easy to type out, a long complex url isn't, having a "copy" (title) instead of the "copy link" is entirely useless!
Now to accomplish same, I have go choose "edit" instead of "copy link" and then "click drag" the url then "copy" then "paste" then close the window. 5+ steps instead of 3.
Who on Earth thought changing that function was a good idea?! More steps is NEVER a good direction.
IOS: 12.6.3
Firefox 102.9.0esr
macbook rebooted
cached cleared
Clarification coming from possible answers:
Firefox's "Paste" function is working fine, since the url correctly pastes to Mac PAGES and Facebook. It's the paste to Twitter that does "Title" instead of "url". So obviously a Firefox-Twitter problem.
Variation of problem:
I tried "Copy" from Firefox Bookmark Subemnu, then went over to Twitter on Chrome, and the "Paste" to Twitter on Chrome also results in a paste of Title instead of url.
I tried "Copy" from Chrome Bookmark Submenu, then paste into Twitter on Chrome, and the "Paste" correctly pastes the url.
This points to a mis-programming of the Firefox "Copy" function in the bookmark submenu.