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Firefox will not open since last update. How can I change this?

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Today Firefox installed the latest update and ever since then I cannot open I get a message that says something like "the connection is not secure". There's a short explanation stating that the site-owner hasn't configured their site correctly and that it's impossible to make an exception for the certificate.

When I click on "advanced" I get this message ‘SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER’. Can someone help me out here? I have looked for info on this on but can't find anything useful. Cheers!

Today Firefox installed the latest update and ever since then I cannot open I get a message that says something like "the connection is not secure". There's a short explanation stating that the site-owner hasn't configured their site correctly and that it's impossible to make an exception for the certificate. When I click on "advanced" I get this message ‘SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER’. Can someone help me out here? I have looked for info on this on but can't find anything useful. Cheers!

Chosen solution

That is a peculiar error message! Please make sure that the "Authorities" tab is displayed before clicking Import. (Screenshot attached, U.S. English version.)

Read this answer in context 👍 1

All Replies (6)

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hi, can you please give us more information about the error by clicking on the error code, copying the text to the clipboard like shown on the screenshot and then pasting it here into a reply in the forum.

thank you!

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Hi philipp, Here's the text

Uitgever van certificaat van peer wordt niet herkend.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: true



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MIIDPjCCAiagAwIBAgIJAPK1T1dmrjK1MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFQxGTAXBgNV BAoMEEFPIEthc3BlcnNreSBMYWIxNzA1BgNVBAMMLkthc3BlcnNreSBBbnRpLVZp cnVzIFBlcnNvbmFsIFJvb3QgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwHhcNMTYwNjAyMDQyODM0WhcN MjYwNTMxMDQyODM0WjBUMRkwFwYDVQQKDBBBTyBLYXNwZXJza3kgTGFiMTcwNQYD VQQDDC5LYXNwZXJza3kgQW50aS1WaXJ1cyBQZXJzb25hbCBSb290IENlcnRpZmlj YXRlMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAlrNpZwhARc/gAXyf Bk59zS64L4ZACLO6RYYEHNDr2e3kDUHJDzCHXEGjNWIxO70bg4o/9AnDFD1lgjly oiGhbdF+R6cLQ1AtKaaE/21n5fQOUPYYrCbbbufJ8X9/4GtkNKy1Xo35FnOpwzgb yWiFMFoFMW+HnB+li+bQcSEcljdTFnOXbJyUDmx2LT99YYUBdv1q7nBXu4rEB1iS eER+JZwe9Knb4blVvTTj3bMyjw5SjX7iqSgxjOkiQNc9Odhjr6ab6bCHZBa2bOvx NJ07lmwvyub/8FoOFV+KTo6emT5ee+8+Kx7lP0b8iywbBRKtrJWUp/hoXxuRNCKL qnQidwIDAQABoxMwETAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IB AQA+BN9OwTsjlBcmrPnlRSiTXpIpF4GsjW0C0/nJOsOCioFlNh37v6BLV1O0pX7m Z+OCnGEBVr4AIDFcLZ3G4ta315Q9Rw2ympVH9uIVUTZr9OdLivzA8gMsus0P9VnH +nmYXOdYjnPr8MLQH/U0nu0Qum0gTjetNxTVrtofIcuLEmisthhiJLaUKBiO3D5B beBE7u4fdbb7qLK32GzeSTAa89bTlfuLPf2Vs4/UQq0cAt8rIgzlie/bzAmnWuud xSOhLo7QTrajyYTnSqaZL4mCdLNlLYpvrWk11RI1iqmRqsqfkJqF0oaEEJh+OjKh IgovNVL5CKvoPe5YPyDtMPfO

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Thank you. It says Google's site certificate was issued by "Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate".

Do you run KAV or KIS or PURE?

If you do not care about using the filtering feature, this article describes how you can turn it off: How to troubleshoot security error codes on secure websites.

If you do want to use the filtering, Firefox needs to be set up with the certificate that Kapsersky uses to sign the fake site certificates. Your Kaspersky product might do that automatically at the next Windows startup or based on some other triggering event, or you may need to do it manually.

I don't know the steps for the newest version, but users have posted about manually importing the certificate into past versions. For example:

Does that help?

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Hi jscher2000, Thanks for your help, but I am still stuck with the problem.

I am using KIS I don't want to turn off the filtering option because of secure banking.

I have restarted my PC but that didn't help.

I have tried to "install" the fake certificate. The link was somewhat helpful, it pointed me in the right direction to look for the certificate - in my case the full name of the file is: (fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate.cer - however....

When I try to install that file I get an error message that says something like (translated from Dutch):

"The certificate cannot be installed because you do not have the corresponding private key that was made when the certificate was requested"

It seems to me I have to take this issue to KIS. Am I correct?

Modified by FPruijmboom

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Chosen Solution

That is a peculiar error message! Please make sure that the "Authorities" tab is displayed before clicking Import. (Screenshot attached, U.S. English version.)

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Wow, that's it! Problem solved!

I was in the wrong tab when I tried to import the KIS certificate yesterday. I did not see "authorities" among the tabs, so I just went with the first tab.

Having Dutch as OS language is rather pesky in situations like this, apparently.

Thank you guys so much for your help!