Mobile - Manage Firefox data collection and privacy settings

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progressive rollout banner Firefox handles data with transparency—learn more about what that means for you. Read the Firefox Privacy Notice.

Firefox balances privacy with performance by collecting limited data, such as usage trends, crash reports, and system details, to improve stability and functionality. This article provides an overview of what’s included in your system settings where you can control data collection and usage across Android, or iOS.

Manage data collection settings on Firefox for iOS

To manage technical and interaction data, studies, the daily usage ping and the automatic sending of crash reports:

  1. Open Firefox on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the menu button ☰ at the bottom-right corner.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Support
  5. Toggle the following options on or off:
    Data collection ios
  6. Close the settings when done — your changes are saved automatically.

To manage sponsored content data and recent activity:

  1. Open Firefox and tap the menu button ≡ at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select Settings, navigate to the following to adjust your preferences:
    • For Search Suggestions, go to General > Search and scroll down to Address bar - Firefox Suggest > Suggestions from Sponsors - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored search suggestions.
    • For Sponsored Stories, go to General > Homepage and scroll down to Include on Homepage > Thought-Provoking Stories - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored stories on New Tab.
    • For Sponsored Shortcuts, go to Homepage > Shortcuts > Sponsored Shortcuts - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored shortcuts on a New Tab.
    • For Shortcuts, go to Homepage > Shortcuts > Shortcuts - Provides the ability to turn on or off icons displaying recent downloads, sites or bookmarks.

For details see Customize Firefox Home on iOS.

Suggestions ios

Manage data collection settings on Firefox for Android

To manage technical and interaction data, studies, the daily usage ping, the automatic sending of crash reports and campaign data:

  1. Open Firefox on your Android device.
  2. Tap the 3-dot menu button on the right of your toolbar.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down and tap Privacy & security.
  5. Under Data collection, adjust the following options:
  6. Changes are saved automatically — simply exit the settings.
    campaing measurement android

To manage sponsored content data and recent activity:

  1. Open Firefox and tap the 3-dot menu button on the right of your toolbar.
  2. Select Settings, navigate to the following to adjust your preferences:
    • For Search Suggestions, go to General > Search and scroll down to Suggestions from Sponsors - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored search suggestions.
    • For Sponsored Stories, go to General > Homepage and scroll down to Include on Homepage > Thought-Provoking Stories - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored stories on a New Tab.
    • For Sponsored Shortcuts, go to Homepage > Shortcuts > Sponsored Shortcuts - Provides the ability to turn on or off sponsored shortcuts on a New Tab.
    • For Shortcuts, go to Homepage > Shortcuts > Shortcuts - Provides the ability to turn on or off icons displaying recent downloads, sites or bookmarks.

For details see Customize the Firefox home screen.

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