search \ filter history by date range
Is it possible in any way to search or filter history grouped by date range?
Using sidebar history - changing View into By Date or By Date and Site , history is grouped by date (and / or site) as desired. As soon as I enter any search text, view is changed into simple list of pages, not being grouped by date anymore.
Using Library - History I can select date range on left side (Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, This month...) however as soon as I enter text into Search history textfield on top right position, selected date range is ignored and all visited sites are displayed as a plain list again.
How can I simply filter displayed visited sites when grouped by time by any keyword? (Sidebar is much preferred, because I can directly click-open-see any history site while from library I need to switch between history windows and browser window)
All Replies (2)
Did you look here yet?
Also if you right click on the Name.. Tag... Location you get 8 options to show and you can sort with those. Anything beyond what firefox has won't be listed.
thanks, that's the library window I've mentioned. In your article there is its picture https://assets-prod.sumo.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/media/uploads/gallery/images/2019-10-10-03-47-24-4220d1.png so my use case is simple - clicking on, let's say 'September' a thousand of pages I visited in September is displayed. Submitting anything in 'Search history' textfield I'd like to further filter them out. However as soon as I do, sites I visited even today (for the first time) are mixed in as long as they satisfy the search term. Also tried bunch of history plugins, and there is always some catch, I cannot seem to able able simply display pages I visited during time X, and from those search for any subset.