Mailing Lists

I am new to Thunderbird having just installed version 128.2.1esr. I am trying to build distribution lists, what you refer to as mailing lists. Your support document says… (read more)

I am new to Thunderbird having just installed version 128.2.1esr. I am trying to build distribution lists, what you refer to as mailing lists. Your support document says to open the Address Book then Select File>New>Mailing List. When I try to do this after selecting File>New Mailing List does not come up as an option. Is there another way to build my lists? Thanks

Asked by edward.hill1 1 hour ago

Last reply by edward.hill1 10 minutes ago

Multi deleting msgs

when I select multiple msgs using the shift-arrow keys and hit delete an error pops up that says "msgs could not be moved or copied to the trash folder because writing to… (read more)

when I select multiple msgs using the shift-arrow keys and hit delete an error pops up that says "msgs could not be moved or copied to the trash folder because writing to the folder failed. To gain disk spaces, from the file menu, choose empty trash, and then compact folders, and try again"

I've done this and it still does not work. I can delete msgs 1 at a time but when I get so many a day that takes a while.

I've tried reinstalling thunderbird to no avail.


Asked by Oakley1 28 minutes ago

Can't send, or reply to, emails

I need to talk or chat with someone who can walk me thru a solution. Your online helps are beyond my comprehension. When I try to send, or reply to, a message, I get a sc… (read more)

I need to talk or chat with someone who can walk me thru a solution. Your online helps are beyond my comprehension. When I try to send, or reply to, a message, I get a screen saying "Password required for outgoing (SMTP)" HELP!

Asked by jgraham89 5 hours ago

Last reply by jgraham89 28 minutes ago

typ serveru

Dobrý den, na starém PC jsem měla v nastavení serveru typ POP. Aniž bych cokoliv měnila, při instalaci Thunderbird do nového PC mám najednou typ IMAP. Jak se typ serveru … (read more)

Dobrý den, na starém PC jsem měla v nastavení serveru typ POP. Aniž bych cokoliv měnila, při instalaci Thunderbird do nového PC mám najednou typ IMAP. Jak se typ serveru dá změnit? Jde mi o možnost zaškrtnutí volby Ponechat zprávy na serveru. děkuji Iva Gurecká

Asked by iva327 37 minutes ago

Misplaced inbox during xfer

While transferring Mozilla Thunderbird from my old MAC computer (OS 10.11, TB 78.14) to my new MAC computer (OS 12.7.6, TB 128.1.1) everything went well except that the “… (read more)

While transferring Mozilla Thunderbird from my old MAC computer (OS 10.11, TB 78.14) to my new MAC computer (OS 12.7.6, TB 128.1.1) everything went well except that the “inbox” for 2 of my main accounts were not placed at the top of the left hand column with my other account inboxes. I found them in the account “envelopes” at the bottom of that left hand column. 1. How can I move them back to the top of the left column under the “main general inbox”? 2. How can I reorder these inboxes so that my main inboxes are at the top? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Asked by har-ros 1 hour ago

IMAP certificates

Can no longer send/receive email. Error message about "certificates", ports?, IMAP? settings......... Have tried various combinations and receive a variety of error mas… (read more)

Can no longer send/receive email. Error message about "certificates", ports?, IMAP? settings......... Have tried various combinations and receive a variety of error massages.

Asked by landlady5 1 hour ago

Starting Thunderbird is extremely slow

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Moja… (read more)

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Mojave 10.14.6) to the new computer. This also transferred my Thunderbird profile folder. It has the extension .default and an 8-digit combination of letters and numbers in front of it. Since the old version of Thunderbird no longer ran on Sonoma, I installed Thunderbird 115.15.0 and then opened Thunderbird on the new MacBook Air. Since then, Thunderbird has been taking an extremely long time to open (much longer than on the old MacBook Air with Mojave. Yesterday I updated to 128.2.0esr, which didn't help either. I deleted a deactivated extension in the add-ons, so that there are now no extensions, only a few dictionaries that I deleted as a test, which also did not bring any improvement. Switching off the hardware acceleration, clearing the cache and changing the themes did not improve the situation either. With the themes, I can only switch between dark, light and system theme - automatically. I checked and made sure that Thunderbird actually loads the .default profile folder from my old computer as the active profile. However, Thunderbird has also automatically set up a second profile with the extension .default-release. Could this be causing the problem? My active profile folder has a size of 15.21 GB and the new .deault-release profile folder has 18.6 MB. Both profile folders are located in Library/Thunderbird/Profiles I am quite desperate and hope that someone can help me. Thank you very much!

Asked by buy9 9 hours ago

Last reply by buy9 2 hours ago

The spam in my junk mail box is getting worse not better. I have been marking spam as junk for over a month. Has something happened to the junk mail filter?

I have been assiduously marking all the junk and non-junk items coming into my junk mailbox for over a month. The situation was better, the volume of junk mail was decrea… (read more)

I have been assiduously marking all the junk and non-junk items coming into my junk mailbox for over a month. The situation was better, the volume of junk mail was decreasing by half every two weeks. Now it is rising again to pre-thunderbird levels. Has something happened to the junk mail filter to stop it from working? Why does it take so long to identify junk. The same words keep appearing: debt, lawn, lawyer, cancer, zantac, loans, credit, glasses, frames, windows, insurance, fitness. If I can spot these why can't a the filter. Honestly, this spammer is driving me nuts. My account is with

Asked by tapping-finch-open 2 hours ago

Sending of the message failed when trying to digitally sign a message with OpenPGP

As the title says, when I enable the "Digitally sign" option for OpenPGP in a new mail, I get "Sending of the message failed" when trying to send, but if I disable only t… (read more)

As the title says, when I enable the "Digitally sign" option for OpenPGP in a new mail, I get "Sending of the message failed" when trying to send, but if I disable only this option, then the message sends successfully.

That is the case whether I encrypt or not the message.

The versions of Thunderbird I tried where: 115.14.0 and 128.1.1esr.

Asked by RagingCub 3 hours ago

Problem with received email

Please, explain me (with pictures) what should I do, to be able to read my received emails in Tb =_NextPart_000_0004_01CF8E51.6DEBD160 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=… (read more)

Please, explain me (with pictures) what should I do, to be able to read my received emails in Tb


Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="IMG_4792.JPG" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IMG_4792.JPG"

Asked by mgdkra 3 hours ago

How can I complete the move of Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:?

I run Thunderbird on a PC, and, to free up space on Drive C:, I have moved the contents of the folder Thunderbird in Appdata to Drive D:. I then changed my Server Setting… (read more)

I run Thunderbird on a PC, and, to free up space on Drive C:, I have moved the contents of the folder Thunderbird in Appdata to Drive D:. I then changed my Server Settings, in Thunderbird, from C: to D:, and note that any new mail is indeed now appearing there along with those already transferred. This move could save me a valuable 6 gig of space, and more in the future, however, I am unable to remove that original Thunderbird folder entirely, notably I am unable to remove the contents of the Profiles folder, as it is still linked to the application. Notably with cookies.sqlite, cookies.sqlite-shm, store.json, mozlz4, aborted-session-ping and many others, which I note some have continued to be updated. I have been unable to find any other settings in Thunderbird referring to Drive C:, other than those in Server Settings.

I could presume that if I installed another version of Thunderbird on Drive D: and maybe moved those existing contents of the Thunderbird folder on C: onto Drive D:, and made those numerous settings changes to the App it could work. But I ask is there an easier way to complete this move? How can I complete this transition of Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:?

Asked by Alan Macleay 5 days ago

Last reply by Alan Macleay 4 hours ago

problem with messages with attachments

Current version 128.2.1 on Windows 11 and having and having a problem where all current emails with attachments are previewing to an much older email attachment. Tried re… (read more)

Current version 128.2.1 on Windows 11 and having and having a problem where all current emails with attachments are previewing to an much older email attachment. Tried re installing. This just started recently

Asked by Linda Clark 4 hours ago

åbning af mozilla thunderbird

Jeg har i adskillige år brugt Mozilla Thunderbird. Har ikke haft problemer før nu. Nu kan jeg pludselig slet ikke åbne den på min pc.( Windows). Fungerer fint på min mobi… (read more)

Jeg har i adskillige år brugt Mozilla Thunderbird. Har ikke haft problemer før nu. Nu kan jeg pludselig slet ikke åbne den på min pc.( Windows). Fungerer fint på min mobil. (android). Får beskeden: Programmet kunne ikke starte, fordi side om side konfigurationen er forkert. Flere oplysninger i programmets hændelseslogfil eller ved at bruge kommandolinjeværktøjet sxstrace.exe.

Kan ikke se hændelseslogfil når jeg ikke kan åbne den. Kommandopromt siger: sxestrace.exe. ukendt

Mvh Kirsten

Asked by Kirsten Petersen 4 hours ago

UI abysmally slow, Activity Monitor useless.

I have been using TB (under Ubuntu) for years without problems. I am now on version 115.15.0. Suddenly today the performance of the UI is abysmal. Even selecting a diffe… (read more)

I have been using TB (under Ubuntu) for years without problems. I am now on version 115.15.0. Suddenly today the performance of the UI is abysmal. Even selecting a different folder to view in the navigation pane can take over a minute to complete. The activity monitor is no help. It often shows that nothing is happening when I am waiting for the view to change from one folder to another. When it does show something, it is usually indexing an inbox, but I have 5 accounts with inboxes, so this is no help. How can I see which inbox is being indexed? Some posts say that there should be a pause button in the Activity Monitor for the indexing activity, but I don't see any such thing. Some posts recommend changing mailbox format from mbox to mdir, but they don't say how. Searches for "mdir" in Thunderbird's settings and in the support knowledge base support knowledge base came up empty. How can I restore Thunderbird's normal performance?

Asked by rsbrux 1 day ago

Last reply by rsbrux 5 hours ago

Thunderbird not saving hotmail/outlook logins (keeps spamming all the time)

Hi. so microsoft has been SPAMMING and THREATENING me for months now that soon i won't be able to use microsoft accounts with "old" login. i guess they refer to app passw… (read more)

Hi. so microsoft has been SPAMMING and THREATENING me for months now that soon i won't be able to use microsoft accounts with "old" login. i guess they refer to app passwords. i just now updated thunderbird and it automatically changed all microsoft accounts to oauth2 and then it pops up a new window asking me to login.

so first time i logged into all of my microsoft accounts via thunderbird's pop-up window, it asked on every account if i want to allow thunderbird to do this and that, i clicked ALLOW. all seemed good, but then i restarted thunderbird and then it asked me to login AGAIN for all microsoft accounts. i manage over 20 accounts and this is seriously frikking annoying logging into all of them all the time. i have 2-way auth enabled with codes, so i have to keep copy-pasting those codes aswell.

why doesn't thunderbird remember the logins? even now as i'm writing this message, thunderbird popped up the login AGAIN, i didn't even restart it. wtf? why is it doing that? is there some setting or what is the issue here? why doesn't it remember the logins?

NOTE: i have custom windows 10, there MIGHT be some permission issues somewhere, but i have no idea where. thunderbird saves data just fine for other emails, such as gmail and yahoo for example. it's just microsoft accounts that no longer work. ALSO THEY USED TO WORK with app password, but on 16th this month microshit stops supporting "old" login methods, so they require oauth2 and thunderbird doesn't seem to be able to remember the logins.

can someone help? what is the issue? how to fix it? thanks.

Asked by Hello Kitty 4 days ago

Last reply by Hello Kitty 14 hours ago

Thunderbird adding double quotes around local part of email address

I have an email contact who uses alias emails to include team members as CC. Such an alias can have the form  ! However, the "!… (read more)

I have an email contact who uses alias emails to include team members as CC. Such an alias can have the form


However, the "!" in the local part seems to cause Thunderbird to modify the email address by adding double quotes around the local part:


While both versions seem to be legitimate, my contact's incoming mail server considers the "modified" version with the double quotes as "undeliverable".

So now I am wondering if and how I can stop Thunderbird from adding those double quotes? Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!


Asked by ThomasMechau 1 day ago

Some mails appear empty

Hello, Even though [replied in another similar thread] that I have the same issue, I'm making another one 'cause it seems pretty dead. Since ver 128 Nebula, some mails … (read more)


Even though [replied in another similar thread] that I have the same issue, I'm making another one 'cause it seems pretty dead.

Since ver 128 Nebula, some mails (sorted in a labeled folder) appear totally white / blank and I don't know why. They appear perfectly fine when viewed from my provider's webmail service (Gandi SOGo), but not in Thunderbird. But here's the thing: they appear fine from the sent folder after I replied to them (via the webmail).

I've already tried restarting in safe mode with all modules disabled, to no success.

Asked by RiceboySleeps 8 hours ago

Too many redirects for caldata

Hi, Mozilla Thunderbird graciously provides online calendars for holidays in different countries. However, since last check (possible since a few days), there seems to … (read more)


Mozilla Thunderbird graciously provides online calendars for holidays in different countries.

However, since last check (possible since a few days), there seems to be a configuration error: redirects to: which redirects to: which redirects to: which redirects to: which redirects to: which redirects to ....

Well, you get the drift :)

Firefox is giving me a warning "The page isn’t redirecting properly. An error occurred during a connection to "

Please test yourself in Firefox. If the error is still there, please kindly forward it to the webmaster. If the error is no longer there, it was fixed, and you can close this ticket.

Thanks again for providing this service, I'll look forward to continued use!

Asked by Freek Dijkstra 8 hours ago

Last reply by Freek Dijkstra 8 hours ago