Thunderbird scam detection
I get a daily mail from my solar panel (convertor) supplier with my daily (solar) energy production profile. This mail gets 'labeled' as a potential scam by Thunderbird systematically. I'm 100% confident these mails are not scams...
Of course, I could just uncheck the scam detection flag in the settings, but I do appreciate the extra protection this detection offers!
Your site says litteraly: "Why does Thunderbird tell me that a legitimate message is a scam? Thunderbird's detection algorithm isn't perfect and, unlike its spam filter, does not learn or adapt based on your email flags. ..."
Could the detection algorithm not be changed, so that it learns? Or so that, if the user has unflagged mails, it no longer flags similar (almost identical) mails?
Thanks (wholehartedly!) for Thunderbird. And for your attention, of course... Marc Claes